Compiling and presenting web radio shows is fun, even if it's to a rather intimate (read: small) audience. My first show aired in August of 2013 and I've been on the air (or rather on the glassfiber) for one hour each month since then. Nobody reads here anymore (or so I would believe) so it's no use posting a link. In case you do and would like to have a listen, please write a comment. Besides, all my acquaintances from various parts of the world already know about it anyway, so you probably do, too.
This is not exactly a "plug" but why should I "plug" a "plug" (and my shows are kind of "plugs" as I play the songs I play in my show at least partially with the intention to spread the word about them) - and after all, I pretty much enjoyed the "Unplugged" series of the 90s, so why should I suddenly become a hobbyist copywriter when I have despised advertising (especially that on TV) all life long? Is it because I feel rather often lately, that I should radically change the way I communicate to get what I want from life and other people which I have yet to find in my life? Or is it because of something entirely else?
But how do I do that without becoming a nagging nuisance to everybody?
Oh, and and you know the deal: Livejournal content gets sort of re-blogged automatically onto websites who use it to decorate their adverts with it. So if you see this somewhere else than - then you happen to look at a copycat's website and all ad revenue probably goes to him unlawfully. That much for the disclaimer, folks. Or the disclaimer folks, folks, for that matter.