This place has slowly turned into one where one person writes and nobody else reads (not counting bots and other algorithms of that kind). I refuse closing it for good, however, and I don't replace it either. It's just a place where I can execute my right for free speech even when nobody wants to listen. Even when I want to say something specific but do not want to share it with the whole wide world, I can say something in its place on here.
This is one of those occasions when I have a placeholder on my mind which I want to talk about. Evidently, this placeholder is not all that obvious. I shall not meet my girlfriend until tomorrow evening due to conflicting schedules but I guess I will mention it to her then:
"Look, love, I got this nasty little placeholder coming to my mind time in time again which I want to talk to you about", is along the lines of how I would start the discussion. In case she were not interested in it, that's when the content of the placeholder would come into play, but I doubt it, since I can talk to her about everything with the notable exception of physics. So then, we could talk about the placeholder and see what comes of it. I'm looking forward to that to some extent.
You know, the multitude of voices blending together on the internet into sort of a white noise of undiscernible content is giving the Freedom Of Speech a run for its money. It's like Harry Nilsson says in "Everybody's Talkin'", people only hear the echoes of their own minds, me included. When there is no signal, it's like silence with slight noises in the background. And when nobody tunes in to you, like on this blog, a blogger only hears the echoes of his own mind as well. You talk and then nothing.
So now, I'm saying a placeholder and that placeholder goes along the lines of an old saying that says placeholder. Lo and placehold, that is saying something!
And believe me, I don't think there is someone who wants to know what I want to say at this point, in spite of me guessing people are eagerly awaiting me saying something specific which I refuse to say. And I refuse to say that with a placeholder even.
I hope this Garble DeGoo does not annoy you too much, after all, it's famous actor Clark Garble DeGoo. There is more contrast to the background noise in a black and white movie than this. You know what I'm saying.
Whatever this posting does or does not say, at least it fulfills the promise of getting the stream of conciousness writing going again, as it's important to regain the flow.
If the flow is right, the signal, the content will come out punctuated and nuanced again, and with a certain glow to it, too. That's just what I need now.
I think I should go swimming on Saturday.
P.S.: If you see this blog entry somewhere else than at, don't believe the copycats or the search engine manipulators who put it there, because it's my content. Mine only. They have not experienced what I have. How could they? They are bots.