generalcowslip //
Cowslip on dAOlder Entries:
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2Character(s) or Pairing(s): Austria, Switzerland, Prussia, Davy Jones
Rating: PG (?)
Warnings: Cuteness, Little Vash in a "dress", bad humor (?)
So so, long time no seen x3 But I'm back with a bit of fanart, it's not much, but I hope to make you smile a bit =) You can maybe expect more in the future from me, we'll see =D
So this was just a random sketch first, but since it turned out nice and I haven't uploaded something in ages, I decided to color it ^__^
And yeah... this occured from a chat I had with
kuroikuroshii after she showed me the first drama CD and Austrias fear of marnie animals... yeah. XD"