Jul 03, 2010 12:00
- 13:59 Tell me your plans for the Fourth of July! #
- 14:00 @ Baroque_noMonet Yes!!1 #
- 18:15 @ anngora There's a secret society?! #
- 18:57 Fuck yeah octopus ring! twitgoo.com/16jasi #
- 20:27 @ Baroque_noMonet I got it at the Icing. #holymallfindsbatman! #
- 23:47 RT @FannieSpankings Colorado Burlesque Festival July 8th - 11th !Get your tix! coloradoburlesquefestival.com fb.me/uoz2Zqfx #
- 09:41 Grrr line at the bank. Grrrr! #
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