Jan 26, 2009 22:59
So it's been over a year.
A year ago on the 21st. I really wish I could say it deosn't still bother me. Hell, i even told myself, outloud, "you really need to get over this."
And now with the Oscars looming. UGH. God, they were dumb enough to give him a Golden GLobe over TOM fucking CRUISE, but...I have hopes, unrealistic hope for the Academy.
So, here's to you Heath Ledger. If I could get the cap off the Dissaronno, I'd lift a glass. Unfortunately, I can't, and I'm too lazy to open up the SoCo.
Hey. Good for me.
On to other news...
...there is no news.
Well, I got engaged, but anyone with Facebook knows that already.
Christmas vacation was...interesting. The weather decided to take a massive white shit on our Wisconsin plans and exhaustion crippled our Florida stint.
Oh yeah, not to mention it took Dave three days to get back to Fort Mac, and myself a week.
Let's see...still unemployed, still technically visiting.
It's too cold to go outside, and anyway because no one shovels, you can't actually walk on the sidewalks.
...they put in a Taco Bell and KFC in Timberlea!
I keep getting songs stuck in my head for days at a time.
I find myself missing people who I haven't talked to in ages. Brendan for one. The girls from SOB. I think I'm just lonely. Not depressed lonely, just lonely. Like...Ok, it's like beyond repetition? Like (please forgive the valley-girl nature of this; I'm just trying to type how I would talk) lonely because I'm seeing the same people every. single. day. And by people I mean. Dave. And his cousin. And his cousin came to town on Wednesday. So, before that my human interaction consisted of...Dave.
And now that Scott's back in school, we don't hang with him anymore.
So....come visit me!
*le sigh* We don't even watch Heroes anymore. Or Big Bang Theory. Or Supernatural. And he won't download House for me. Then again, it doesn't fucking matter anymore anyway because they fucking showed a fucking clip on TV that fucking spoiled the whole fucking season for me. God damn it.
Let's see. We got a BluRay player. Don't tell Dave, but it's really not that much better. I find it to be fuzzy, truth be told. Plus, our TV has kinda sucky sound, so you have to turn it waaay up to hear dialouge and then BOOMCRASHEXPLOSIONokayturndownthevolume.
My mom joined Facebook. Dear god.
Anyway, that's my life!