Stolen from Nichole
1. Do you like your first name? It's okay.
2. Middle name? Unimaginative.
3. What's the best name for a girl? Maggie.
4. Guy? (Yay for Lucius Nichole, but) I'm going with Deklan.
5. How many letters are in your last name? Eight.
6. Where did the "Boy Meets World" creators come up with the name Topanga? In their executive boardroom smoking a lot of pot at three a.m.
7. Are actors and actresses going overboard with unique baby names? Yes.
8. Girls, when/if you get married are you going to keep your last name? No.
9. Do you know anyone who's legally changed their name? My old gym teacher, Mr. Dorkas/Drakas.
10. Do you have any nicknames? Yeah. Obviously.
1. Do you have a job? Yes, thank god.
2. Where do you work? Caper Convenience.
3. How long have you been working there? A little over a year.
4. Is it a long commute? Yeah. That jaunt across the street takes a lot out of me.
5. Do you have a nice boss? Yeah. Marco and Lydia are pretty damn cool people.
6. Nice co-workers? Everyone's nice, but a few are, well, totally off their rockers.
7. So, what exactly do you do? Why? Are you plugging this shit into E-Harmony?
8. Is this a career or just a job to support yourself? Right now it's the latter, but it's scary how close this might come to the former.
9. What's your ideal job? A room with no windows with a cd player and tons of shit to file. 9-5 of course.
10. Do you know anyone with a really cool job? My mom's cousin Michael was an animator for Disney. My brother works in a lab. Kraig (Krang) is an actor.
Pop Culture
1. Do you watch Best Week Ever? Is that the name of soemthing?
2. How about "The Fabulous Life of..."? Of what?
3. Do you know much about celebrity culture today? Enough to get by. TOo much to get by accidentally.
4. Or are you stuck in the past somwhere? I know that Nic Cage and Patrica Arquette are no longer together!
5. What celebrity is most over-rated? Jennifer Aniston maybe?
6. Under-rated? There's so mnay. For right now, I'll say Tony Shalhoub. Look at your collections of movies: chances are he's in there SOMEWHERE.
7. Who's your favorite female celebrity? ... ... ... Angelina Jolie despite present press.
8. Male? That's ALWAYS changing. If I judge by who's in the most movies I own, it would be Alan Rickman or Johnny Depp.
9. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? No. I'm too ordinry I suppose.
10. Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity? My friend Dana has the Jack-Nicholson-as-the-Joker smile.
1. What's 43 divided by 3? A decimal.
2. Name two plays written by Shakespeare. Much Ado about Nothing and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
3. What's the square route of 16? I don't know; which route did sixteen take?
4. In what year did Colombus discover America? Around the time the indigenous tribes started to die off.
5. Who was the third American president? Jefferson.
6. How many wives did Henry VII have? I have no idea. At least one. Someone had to make Henry the Eighth.
7. Name three elements on the Periodic Table: Gold, Silver, and your mom (Nitrogen).
8. When did the Berlin Wall come down? Sometime after it went up? Oooo, was it the seventies? Eighties?
9. How many hours are in 3 days? Aboutseventy-two give or take one.
10. A butcher is 5'5. What does he weigh? Meat.
1. What was your favorite book as a kid? The Colour Kittens, Fantastic Mr, Fox, and the True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.
2. How about now? Oi. Harry Potter? I'm moving up in literature.
3. Did you ever read the Black Lagoon series? No.
4. Ramona Quimby? Is that a sport?
5. Junie B. Jones? ¿Qué?
6. Harry Potter? Yay finally! YES.
7. What book should have never been made into a movie? Just about every comic book.
8. What book should be made into a movie? Job.
9. Who's your favorite author? David Sedaris.
10. Is "Arthur" a better book or TV show? Never was really that exposed to either.
Sleeping Habits
1. What kind of bed do you have? It's a matress on a thingy majig with drawers.
2. Matress? Uh...yeah?
3. Is it comfortable? S'not bad.
4. When do you usually go to sleep? Sometime between one and eight on most weekdays.
5. Are you a heavy sleeper? NOOOOO.
6. What position do you sleep in? Hmmm, I switc sides, and have at least one hadn between the pillows.
7. How many pillows do you sleep on? About three.
8. Did/do you sleep with a night light? I did when I was little, but not anymore. FIle that under NOT A HEAVY SLEEPER.
9. How about stuffed animals? Yes, but this year I didn't bring Bear or Mow with me, as they wouldn't fit. I'm very lonely. All I have is an X-Mas Moose.
10. Do you sleep with your hair up or down? Down.
This or That
1. Rock or Rap? Rock.
2. Spring or Fall? Fall.
3. Black and White or Color? Black.
4. Cats or Dogs? Cats.
5. World History or Algebra/Math? Math all the way.
6. Bolding or X's?: What?
7. Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network? Cartoon Network.
8. '70s or '80s? 80's!!!
9. Monopoly or Clue? ... I like both, but I'm more apt to win at Monopoly, so I'll choose that.
10. Aerosmith or Bon Jovi? I'd like to stick both on the Titanic.
Under the Floorboards
1. Do you have a secret? Yes.
2. Are you good at keeping secrets? Sometimes.
3. How about your friends? Most my "friends" have forgotten my existence, so...
4. Is your mom one of those gossipy housewives that tell everyone everything? She tells me lots of stuff, but won't tell other people about our stuff.
5. Does your family have secrets? I honestly don't know anymore.
6. Do you lie to people a lot to keep your secret safe? No. It's not so much a secret as it is a taboo.
7. Are you keeping a secret right now? Yes.
8. Do you have a good Poker face? Frick no.
9. Have you ever planned a surprise party? No.
10. Did you lie on this section to keep a secret? No.
Video Games
1. Do you play video games (might wanna skip this section if you don't)? I try.
2. PlayStation, X-Box, or Nintendo? Nintendo all the way.
3. Do you know what Pong is? Do you know what...I can't come up with anything witty here. Yes.
4. How about Duck Hunt? Yes, we would all like a version where you can shoot the dog, let's move on.
5. Are you any good at Dance Dance Revolution? I'm pretty crap, but I can do better on hard than a drunk person can on easy. I'm better at Amplitude.
6. Racing or Fighting games? Oooo. That's a tough one. I'll go with Fighting.
7. Mario or Luigi? I like to play as Mario, but I'm more attacted to Luigi. That whole nervous thing in SMB 2.
8. Do you own any video games that are based on movies? I used to have The Little Mermaid. My brother has some Star Wars games...
9. What's the best video game ever? GoldenEye? Street Fighter II? Super Mario Brothers? How can you choose?
10. Worst? Podracer, Sports games, Thrilla Safari? How can you choose?
Word Association
1. Car: Red.
2. Bunny: Hop.
3. Green: Greenie.
4. Banana: Nish.
5. Dance: Revolution.
6. Napoleon Dynamite: Big hair.
7. Prom: Pick dress.
8. Ambulance: Red lights.
9. Flower: Pot.
10. Internet: Web.
X-rays and Other Medical Procedures
1. Do you know what hospital you were born in? Saint Elizabeth's.
2. Ever break a bone? No, thank god and knock on wood!
3. Ever needed a wheel chair? No.
4. Do you have Scoliosis? Probably.
5. Have you ever had Mono? Yes, actually, I have.
6. Were/are you afraid of the dentist? I am now, now that I know there's probably shit wrong with me!
7. Do you visit a chiropractor regularly? No.. I think I should be allowed to though.
8. Have you ever gotten x-rays of your teeth? Yeap.
9. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes, as a matter of fact.
10. Did you get your wisdom teeth removed yet? Yes, and it was a piece of piss.
You're So Special!
1. Are you double jointed? No.
2. Do you have any other talents involving your body parts? Uh...implying what?
3. Can you do any impersonations? Yes. People say I do a pretty good John Lingard.
4. Can you sing? No!
5. Dance? Not really.
6. Do you type really fast? Yes, but not accurately.
7. Do you have perfect vision? FUCK no!
8. Do you have a good short-term memory? FRICK no!
9. Are you good with computers? I get by.
10. What can you do really well? Upon in-depth relfection of the past few years, I can honestly say, with confidence, "Nothing."
1. So, did you like the survey? Same ol' same ol' really.
2. What was your favorite letter? S will always be.
3. Did you skip over any because you didn't like the topic? No.
4. Is 260 questions over-doing it? This was 260 questions long? Pretty short.
5. Where'd you get this survey? NICHOLE!
6. Do you know them? I raped her once, I think.
7. Do you think the X-Ray thing was cheating? At what?
8. How about Under the Floorboards? Nothing was asked, so I didn't spill/
9. How long did it take you to do this? About as long as it would take to bang your mom.
10. Isn't this the crappiest ending ever? I've seen worse.