Aug 09, 2004 17:52
Welcome back to school everyone! This should be interesting. Here's how my day works: I have three Fine Arts classes (Orchestra, Theater Dance, and Musical Theater), all with equally eccentric teachers. Then, for Lit and Physics, I have teachers who mights as well be on pot - LaFleur and Nelson are REALLY laid back. Then, Poppe rounds it off in Calculus with a basic, kind-but-no-crap attitude. She's probably the most average teacher I have. Worries are as follows, I think I can come up with one per class: Orchestra: Putting up with Pritchard is never easy, and I still have something of a reputation on the line; Lit: SOOOO MANY BOOKS! (though that probably won't be a BIG problem); Theater Dance: Mrs. D'Antonio most definately plays favorites, and NOTHING I can do will help my situation - it's luck; Physics: I've heard bad things and there'll be plenty of homework; Calc: keeping up! we're already skipping a chapter which we'll be tested on Friday; finally, Musical Theater: AUDITION TIME!!!! I really want specific parts in either play, which I told myself I wouldn't do, but oh well. See everyone at skool!