Well, imagine my surprise and pleasure at stumbling upon a community just for beloved Firefly genfic. ;) Inasmuch as that's all I ever write, please don't mind if I share....
Title: The Guns of Yamenmiao
rangersebulbaSeries: The Old That is Strong
Genre: gen
Rating: PG
Characters: ensemble, with OCs
Timeline/Spoilers: between 'War Stories' and 'Trash', spoilers for WS (for now)
Summary: Crippled and low on fuel, Serenity lands on an outer planet, where Kaylee and Inara have separate encounters that may lead to a solution....or the end of the line.
Author's Notes: This is my very, very first attempt at Firefly fanfic, after about two years of rewrites and revisions. Sincere and profuse thanks to my gracious friend and beta
phyrelight for agreeing to see that it's fit for public consumption. ;) (All links below go straight to my LJ; for Chinese translations, hover your cursor over the phrase and the translation will pop up.) Four out of five doctors agree that feedback is a vital supplement to the heart and soul.
DISCLAIMER: God is #1, Joss is #2. (No, not that kind of #2. I mean, he's the....I mean....aw, gorrammit.)
Part 1|
Part 2|
Part 3|
Part 4|
Part 5|
Part 6|
Part 7|
Part 8|
Part 9|
Part 10|
Part 11|
Part 12|
Part 13|
Part 14|
Part 15|
Part 16|