Jan 01, 2011 18:21
[Chang is chuffed to have made through the festivities without having participated. With the walls dripping with humanity everywhere he goes, he feels that this is a great achievement. Thus, comes the time for drinking and song.]
[Private to Aleera]
Warden, I require bloodwine, warnog and firewine to celebrate. Perhaps some rokeQ blood pie, heart of targ, motloch, bregit lung, gagh... you must also come. The food has blood flavouring it but if you need it you must get blood from kitchen and join us. These foods must be requested from the Admiral, as the humans will not make it. Nor do I trust them to do so.
[Sparring Partner Filter]
Come to my rooms at wa'maH Hutvatlh rep which is approximately seven in the 'a. m'? in Earth terms, I wish to spread some good cheer, now that the human traditions are finished.
[OOC: Klingons don't have 'friend' filters, so anyone who's sparred with him at any time is on this. We can assume or spam depending on your preferences. Help a girl with her activity issues.]
drink is good for the klingon soul,
klingons killed their gods,
chang's very nice... with his own kind,
battle is good for the klingon soul,
aleera is a fine klingon name,
humanity sucks