Vampire Knight Theme

Mar 25, 2011 16:38

Name: Ling
Gender: FFFF

♚ B A S I C S ♚
Describe your personaility. Be as clear as possible:
I like being relaxed, with my friends, listening to music, learning new things, rainy days and observing others. I’m never a very chatty person because I’m very shy. I suppose the fact that I only started talking at the very late age of four contributed to this. You get the idea, I started talking at the same time as my younger brother who is two years younger than me. ;_;
I seem indifferent at first impression, but I’m actually a rather friendly person if you get to know me well. 
Personality types: INTPThe InvestigatorIndependent ThinkerAnalytical Thinker 
Describe your attitude towards matters/people:
I'm very indifferent to things or people that have nothing to do with me, but I'm very concerned about things or people which are close to me and I try to treasure them as much as possible.
Positive traits: Loyal, friendly, a good listener, calm and determined.
Negative Traits: Being too quiet, procrastinating, clumsy, lazy and not setting my priorities correctly.
How do people around you often describe you?: Hmm, they think that I'm a reliable person who would be always there for them? Oh, and clumsy too.

Likes: Playing the piano, reading manga + novels, watching anime + youtube videos, drawing fanart, translating Chinese scanlations to English, playing Facebook games, sleeping, posting in forums and spazz about my obsessions to my friends. Does eating count as well?
Dislikes: Doing homework, cleaning up my space, people who cannot spell properly in forums (Not that I'm a Grammar Nazi, but at least it has to be readable) + post pointless posts, eating onion + garlic and hot days.

♚ T H I S OR T H A T ♚
Optimistic, Pessimistic, Realistic or Idealistic?:  Optimist. I try to be. Or rather, for a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic. I'm quite idealistic to a certain extent until I realise stuff is hopeless at times.
Cynical or Trusting?:  I try to trust as much as possible.
Dominant or Submissive?: Submissive. Too lazy to be dominant.
Introverted or Extroverted?: Introverted, too lazy to be extroverted.
Emotional or Stoic?: Stoic mostly, but emotional over fandoms
Logical or Impulsive?: Logical, maybe a bit impulsive on spending money to buy animanga stuff

V A M P I R E ♚ K N I G H T
You learned that you are a vampire and is on your way to becoming a Level-E. What will you do?:
I'd be upset for a while but I'll find a solution to solve this problem no matter what.
Do you think Vampires exist?:
I'll believe that they exist when I see one with my own eyes. Otherwise, no.
So you found out that the Night class are actually Vampires! But... they are so good looking! Will you still go for them?:
Nope. I definitely don't want to be 'food'.
How obessive can you get?:
Very. A few RL friends told me that I was too clingy on an anon meme (long story), and sadly I really think so. And obsession can get to the extent that I think of it all the time. D:

♚ C L O S I N G ♚
Is there any character you strongly opposed to be voted as? (limit up to 3): Kaname, Maria and Ruka
Have you read or seen this series?: Read and dropped last December. I might pick it up again if the plot gets more interesting.

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