[Filtered to
The Team]
It's been a while since I've used this filter...
If you're on it, you're one of those I trust. It's been a while since we've done something positive for Adstringendum, and in light of the coming winter I think it's important to remember we can be united.
To that end, I start with a request. If there's anyone you know of who you feel should be including in this filter, and of course - anyone you feel deserves to be on our little list of precautionaries, please inform me.
If there's anything else, again - please do not hesistate to ask questions. We need to act as a unit, if we want to get by effectively.
Thanks to my First Lieutenant, for those who are interested, there is a list of concerns, and the names of those who have placed them
here. Again, if anyone wishes to add to the list, or make any suggestions as to how we go about filling out those requests and concerns - please let me know.
I've also taken the liberty of re-writing something Miss Rockbell wrote some time ago for the newcomers to Adstringendum, please feel free to pass this
information on.
For now I believe that is all.