Guo Yu - Current as of 8/07

Aug 07, 2011 14:25

 Name: Guo Yu (Player: Gene)
Calling: Atoning Homicide Detective
Nature: Penitent
Pantheon: Celestial Bureaucracy
God: Guan Yu
Attributes: Strength 4 (Epic 2), Dexterity 4 (Epic 1), Stamina 3 (Epic 3); Manipulation 1 (Epic 1), Appearance 3, Charisma 3; Perception 3 (Epic 1), Intelligence 3, Wits 3 (Epic 1)
Abilities: Academics 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Command 2, Control (Cars) 2, Empathy 3, Fortitude 2, Integrity 2, Investigation 3, Marksmanship 3, Melee 3, Politics 1, Presence 2
Join Battle: 6(+1)
Dodge DV: 6(-1)
Move: 5(-1)
* Shi Zi Qiang Relic 2 (War, Justice)
* Shi Zi Tao Relic 4 (Guardian, Damage taken by the wearer is transferred to Guo Yu to a maximum of Legend (After Soak is applied), Returns when summoned from a maximum of x5 Legend Yards.)
* Shi Zi Jian Relic 1 (Animal (Lion))
* Seasoned Cops x5 Followers 2
* Samedi's Unfiltered Cigarettes (12 cigs, detects walking dead within 100 feet.)
* Samedi's Peppered Rum Flask (10 shots, detects walking dead within 100 feet.)

Clinch AC 7(+ 1) 5L(+ 2) _Parry_ - Speed 6 Grapple
Unarmed, Light AC 8(+ 1) 5L(+ 2) _Parry_ 6 Speed 4
Unarmed, Heavy AC 6(+ 1) 8L(+ 2) _Parry_ 4 Speed 5
Shi Zi Qiang (Colt Anaconda) AC 8(+ 1) 6L Range 50 Clip 6 Speed 4 P
Shi Zi Jian (Spatha) AC 8(+ 1) 9L(+ 2) _Parry_ 5 Speed 4
Shi Zi Tao (Leather/Hide) +1L/3B, -1 Mobility, 1 Fatigue
Bulletproof Vest +2L/2B, 1 Fatigue, B
Knacks: Lightning Sprinter, Blurt it Out, Subliminal Warning, Instant Investigator, Crushing Grip, Divine Wrath
Boons: Judgement (1), Ward (3), Five Cycle Augmentation (1), Yin Yang Destruction (2)
Health Levels: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/I
Soak: 9L/12B/3A
Willpower: 6/6
Legend: 4 Legend Points: 16/16
Duty 3
Harmony 1
Intellect 2
Valor 3

Seasoned Cop(5):
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2; Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Academics 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 3, Command 2, Control 2, Empathy 1, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Larceny 1, Marksmanship 3, Medicine 1, Melee 2, Stealth 1
Join Battle: 6
Attacks: Clinch - Acc 6/ DMG 4B/Parry DV - /Speed 6/P, Unarmed Heavy - Acc 5/DMG 7B/Parry DV 2/Speed 5, Unarmed Light - Acc 7/DMG 4B/Parry DV 3/Speed 4, Nightstick - Acc 6/Damage 4B/Parry DV 3/Speed 4/P, Glock - Acc 7/DMG 4L/Range 20/Speed 4/P
Soak: 2L/5B (Bulletproof Vest, +2L/2B)
Health Levels: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated
Dodge DV: 3 WillPower: 5

*Knack Descriptions:*
Crushing Grip - Clinches now deal lethal damage, though the option to deal bashing damage or even no damage, is available.

Divine Wrath - Unarmed attacks now automatically deal lethal damage, though the option to deal bashing damage is still available, at a penalty. By spending 5 Legend Points, the Scion may deal aggravated damage by grappling, though the intention must be declared and the cost must be paid prior to rolling attack.

Lightning Sprinter - By spending 1 Legend Point, the Scion can sprint double the distance with the Dash action. Also, penalties for dashing through water or mud that come up to between ankle- to shoulder-height is negated, as long as the Scion began the Dash action on terrain without penalties, and the character continues to perform consecutive Dash actions.

Blurt it Out - By spending one Legend Point, the Scion can cause the target to blurt out an answer to his question truthfully, provided the target doesn't successfully make a (Integrity + Legend + Willpower) check against a difficulty equal to the Scion's Epic Manipulation + 1 --- upon success though, the target can spend a Willpower point to avert a slip of tongue.

Subliminal Warning - Gain extra dice equal to Epic Perception when rolling to detect an ambush.

Instant Investigator - By spending one Legend Point, the Scion is allowed a reflexive (Wits + Investigation) roll when surveying a crime scene. Upon success, the Scion can tell what crimes were committed, how many perpetrators were involved, how long ago it happened, roughly the sequence of events that took place, and what means the perpetrators employed to cover up the

Damage Conversion - Spend spending 1 Legend Point, the Scion can reflexively convert all Lethal damage into Bashing damage. However, an overload of Bashing damage will convert existing Bashing damage into Lethal.

Self Healing - For every Legend Point spent, the Scion can heal Bashing or Lethal damage equal to the amount spent, without leaving a scar.

Body Armor - Even when unarmed, the Scion can now parry close-combat lethal attacks. Also, by spending one Legend Point, the Scion can call out the ichor within him to cover his body, providing him Lethal and Bashing Soak equal to his legend, while bestowing a mobility penalty of -1. This armor lasts for one scene.

*Boon Descriptions:*
Judgement - When confronting another suspected of committing some sort of injustice, the Scion can make an uncontested (Empathy + Perception) roll to intuitively tell whether the suspect is guilty as charged.

Ward - By spending one Legend Point and one Willpower, the Scion can place a ward on an entrance against a certain type of threat. The ward acts as a sphere of circumference equal to 500 square feet per dot of Legend. The duration of the ward equals number of successes garnered by a (Stamina + Fortitude) roll. The Scion can stack wards, but each one requires its own activation roll and cost. The ward can take a number of health levels of damage equal to the Scion's Legend x 5 and the number of activation successes, and it has a Hardness rating equal to the Scion's Legend.

Five Cycle Augmentation - By spending 1 Legend, the Scion can enhance another character who is using a Boon or spell. By doing this, the recipient's Legend when using the Boon or spell is treated as one higher than the actual value, so that a dice pool that included Legend would gain 1 die, and Legend would be one higher for purposes of Boons whose effectiveness depends on the attacker's Legend being equal or higher than his target's. Five Cycle Augmentation can also be chained, so that a single person can benefit from a Legend boost from all participants. However, this boost cannot exceed the highest Legend of any participants, and cannot boost one's effective Legend past 12. So, for example, if four Scions used Five Cycle Augmentation in a series on a fifth person, and all participants had a Legend of 2, the final recipient Legend could not rise above 4.

Yin-Yang Destruction - By spending 1 Legend, the Scion can negate another's Boon or spell. If the Scion has a tick free to engage in a Guard action, he can roll (Legend + Occult or Science). With enough successes, the Scion negates the effect of a Boon or spell on him. If the Scion knows any Boons from the Purview that was used against him, the difficulty is equal to the attacker's Legend. If not, the difficulty is twice the attacker's Legend. Alternatively, Yin-Yang Destruction can be used at range to counter a Boon or spell that isn't specifically directed at the Scion. By spending 1 Willpower in addition to the initial Legend cost, and having a tick free for a Miscellaneous action instead of the Guard action, the Scion can negate the Boon or spell should the use of the Boon or spell be perceivable.

Exp: 4


Misc. Descriptions:

Yu has a rather built physique, honed from his days as a Triad Lord's enforcer, and is rather tall for a Chinese man at 5 feet 10 inches. His skin shows off a healthy tan, gained from his days working on a cargo ship. His hair is usually kept neatly trimmed and professionally slicked back; to complement this, he keeps a trimmed mustache and goatee combo, though this gets slightly messier when he's focused on a case. Since his Visitation, his dark eyes have been peppered with extremely tiny, almost iridescent flecks of gold. Most of the time, he wears the black duster bestowed upon him by his divine father, over a v-neck shirt or thermal with a pair of khaki pleated slacks, a rather plain leather belt, and a pair of either black wingtips or combat boots. Sometimes, though, he likes to indulge in a bit of overtly American culture by donning a pair of brown leather cowboy boots. However, when he wants to dress more professionally, he substitutes with a dress shirt, tie, and tie clip combo with wingtips. Regardless of whether he dresses casually or formally, Yu rarely goes out without a shoulder holster and his _Shi Zi Qiang_, a relic .44 Colt Anaconda. Rather fond of Western culture, and particularly that of America's, he has a taste for delicious "gourmet" hamburgers and even simple fast food fare, along with Western alcohol as opposed to more Eastern brews. Usually, Yu keeps a cigar with him, if not a carton of cigarettes. Of course, he carries a flask given to him by his mentor(another detective), which contains either whiskey or other brown liquors and is rarely left empty.
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