Mar 17, 2002 02:34
What time is it: 1:15 AM (hand shakes)
What is the date: March 17, 2002
*~*~Info about you~*~*
Where do you live: Huron Twps.
Where else have you lived: No where else.
What are your school colors: red and white.
Where were you born: Taylor, MI
What hospital: In some osteopathic hospital
Have any pets: yes
What's their name(s): Bingo and Newton.
Siblings: 1
Name(s) and age(s): Justin, 11
What do you fear most in the world: failing
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: Meet a young lady that is actually cool.
Are you good at school?: I guess so.
Car: Porchse 911 Turbo
Color: British racing green (dark green)
Teacher: Mrs. McGuire
Class: Biology
Day of the week: Saturday
Holiday: Anyone that doesn