Dec 16, 2001 21:02
Today when I got up, I heard for the first time that there was going to be a "family Christmas party". This was a total surprise to me because I, obviously, was the last one to be notified of this. It turns out that, my aunt has to work on Christmas day and wouldn't be able to attend the party on X-mas.
It wasn't all that bad though. All the relatives I rarely see come over. My cousins played the PS2 during and we exchanged gifts. I guess it was ok. Though the best was yet to come...
Then I had to take care of my dog. It is dark, cold, and rainy outside and is kinda scary. While I am giving my dog his medicine, I turn around to see a short figure with winter coat that had a huge hood and you could barely see the person's face (Picture the person from "I Know What You Did Last Summer"). I gave a short scream and then heard the person chuckle. It was my aunt coming outside to give my dog a bone. Of couarse when I realized it was her I started to laugh myself. Sometimes I wonder if I am too jumpy.
Well that was interesting, wasn't it? Well see ya'.