FurtherConfusion: goes up to 11, as Spinal Tap would say

Jan 20, 2011 02:52

This last weekend was one of the best old-fashioned-con-type convention experiences I've ever had, that is, basically just getting to meet up with old friends, make a few new ones, and in general just hang out in a convivial atmosphere and have a good time. FurCon 2011 was less crowded, less hectic and more enjoyable than any convention I've been to in quite a while. And given everything that happened with me last year, this was a good way to start off this one. First and foremost at every FurCon, for me, is getting to see the eternal eaglepal again and spend some quality time this time! Last year I barely got to say hello - which bites. And I didn't see Sennard at all last year, which is even worse! Made up for that this year, added a new button to my collection of his creations. I always see Patchy at FurCon, this time he had a new signature vest. Kendall went by me several times, he's out here on vacation so he knew he'd have time later. Got to hug the marvelous MammaLlamaDevil, a littls sad to see her this time because she's starting on a new career path and won't be doing cons any more. -_- She personally rescued my book from Plan Nine! Chip Unicorn was there, very glad to see that he and Eli were okay! Disappeared from the Bay for the wilds of Seattle.. as did Kevin J... I wish I knew how to get him to feel some sense of accomplishment. As much as he's created, the work doesn't seem to be anything he can feel good about. Whereas with me, my body of work is a constant source of satisfaction (some days, almost the only one O_O). I almost wish I could transfuse Kev with some of the elan that The Gneechy One has. I finally got to personally give him my suggestions for new direcions that his Brigid and Greg stories could be going in. He delightedly dismissed my ravings - he knows what he's doing! Ryan and Candy's baby daughter was stealing so much of the show that con security was after her. But she was costumed as a Cthullu, so they dared not make a pinch. Fuzzybear breezed through the con between acts of his play. I gotta make one of his performances. The Daz crept through the con between a rock and a hard place. I'll skip *his* shows. Graveyard Greg sat quite still so that I could hit him on the head with my umbrella. More stuff happened than this, but I could go on for hours and it's late, so thanks everyone who I got to see at FC '11 ^_^
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