comments from weeks 7-12

May 25, 2009 14:24

Week 12

i really enjoyed ur poem! it's quite... theatrical? i'm not sure if that is the right word for it but when i was reading it could just imagine someone exagerating what you wrote and making it really dramatic. I think your poem suits perfectly not just the content of The Importance of Being Earnest. But it also suits the way Wilde writes and his theatrics on the characters!
quite enjoyable steph!!

Week 11

i like this entry.

it asks the very same questions i ask about mistakes. only this entry is helping me answer those questions. In fact, it helps me deal with mistakes. mistakes are teachers and we learn from them. Besides, we're only human, mistakes are bound to happen!

Week 10

Hey nafs!

this entry is very very true. You seemed to have reached right down to the very core of 'Cherry Orchards' and it's forever criticism on humanity. Everyone goes through this false identity, the way i see it is..
everyone goes through it the most in their teenage years.. especially from that tranistion age of 12 to 13. Most people grow out of this, yet not completely. For some people, they don't grow out of it. Maybe it's the way we have been nurtured by our friends, our family, by society. Who knows! It's good to see that you like to keep true to yourself

keep up the good entries!

Week 9

ahh i thnk everyone felt like that after reading Master and Man. I think that's how Tolstoy wanted it. we should thank him for making us feel bad -______-
hahaha.. nahh!! im sure ur not as bad as Andreevich!

Week 8

just the way he writes.. and not to mention what he writes about. DEATH! something we all have in common. With tolstoy it likes the drama just unfolded by the hands of nature, which is quite sad actually. And yea, you're right about Tolstoy's Evan Illych.. it is too late for him and it is incredibly ironic.

Week 7

this is THE MOST honest entry i have come across so far. Not many of us can publicly confess to these everyday crimes to humanity. But you are an inspiration for us to do so. And in return, we become to experience life and our relationships on a deeper level.
i love this entry! GREAT job sally!
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