Can anyone help?

Sep 07, 2005 17:33

First sorry for all of you that are going to get this a number of times.

Cascadia Con went great, but not for all. My friends Tina and Dale have i think is the worst weekend i have ever heard of and it hasn't stopped yet.

Wensday night Dale was picked up on a old warrent as they where going to the store to pick up more stuff to cook cookies for the Hosptality at the Radisson. Thursday morning after Tina started more cookies her oven caught fire and now the sove is dead. She put the fire out and went to her mother to contiune cooking. She was dropping off stuff at the con when she could and I think Saturday she finally got to the con to help. That night her car got broken into and some money was taken. When she got home that night she found that some one had broken into her home and ransacked the place. The place was such a mess that they still don't know if anything was truly stolen.

I bet you think it can't get worse, will your wrong.

Tuesday she got some money from a friend and bailed Dale out, and while waiting downtown for him to get out she helpped and older gentalman get on the bus. After that when she stopped at the store to get some stuff for the baby she found that her wallet had been stolen. In the wallet was all there rent money for this month.

Why I am writing this is they need help so they don't get throwen out of the place. They just had a baby 7 months ago I think and Tina is in school to be a praleagle. Dale had just got work doing a house rentavation so they where just getting ahead and this got dumped on them. I have talk to them and they are willing to work any loans off they just need help ASAP or there going to get evicted. Also even though he did show up in court they are taking the bail money and putting it towards hsi Child Support so Tina won't be getting the money back.

Can anyone help?
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