I have turned 34. Strangely, I don't feel 34. Hell, I don't really feel 24.
When my parents were my age, they had been married for more than ten years and had two kids with a third on the way.
I still feel like the vast majority of my adulthood is somehow ahead of me, even though I'm closer to middle-age now than I am away from it.
Still, if my birthday presents are any indicator, I'm apparently only as old as I feel.
Loot List:
Plush Mallard Duckling:
I like ducklings. I also like plush ducklings, though good ones are apparently hard to find.
Most plush ducklings are cartoonish, looking more like soft rubber-duckies than real baby ducks.
I don't care for cartoon or caricature ducklings. Just the realistic ones.
So my plushie collection should remain small, which is good considering I am a 34 year-old man.
Plush Talking Murloc:
My mom special-ordered this for me, and wrapped it in Horde wrapping paper.
His included adoption certificate says his name is 'Murkdor.'
He sits on my desk next to my
Plush Windrider Cub.
... I just realized that after this birthday, I now have more plush toys than most teenaged girls. Go me.
Horde Keychain:
This was attached to the aforementioned Horde-wrapped Murloc.
I don't have a set of keys that this would be appropriate for, so for now it's attached to the same chain as my
Blizzard Authenticator.
It provides some much-needed heft to the entire "dear god please don't lose this" package.
Star Wars Legends Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Wars Era. He looks right pissed, too.
He needs a cooked, dismemembered Anakin at his feet to complete the package.
Star Wars Transformers General Grievous:
It's General Grievous, and also General Grievous' starfighter.
It's a Star Wars toy, and also a Transformer.
In some cases, that would be like cheese and chocolate, but in this case it's more like peanut-butter and chocolate: pure, unmitigated awesome.
I also got a plastic sandwich baggie full of marbles from my niece; as well as a McDonalds R2-D2 coin bank, a McDonalds Republic Gunship and a toy car from my nephew.
I think that they picked out their presents from their own toys, or something. I'm not sure. But they were very excited about the gifts (which they wrapped themselves with wrapping-paper they decorated themselves), and for that
reason alone I think the gifts are wonderful, and I will treasure them.
We celebrated with my family, and enjoyed a home-cooked meal together.
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, so it was a good day overall.