yay frameline

Jun 19, 2008 23:25

So I just got tickets for three frameline movies(the SF GLBTQQI Film Festival). Hella expensive but I would be sad if I didn't get to see any. On Sunday I'm going to see the transtastic one which is a mix of trans/gender related short films. Then on Tuesday I'm going to see a intersex documentary called XXY and a MTF documentary called She is a Boy I knew. I don't really have any plans for pride yet except for that I plan to go to the trans march, dyke march, pink party, and probably the parade. I don't know with who or who I want to say hi to or meet up with and I don't know if I'm going to be able to get drunk or not this year.
So my Anatomy and Physiology summer class is going alright so far. I hate waking up so early and my teacher is one of those really old weird and crazy men that you think probably should be retired instead of teaching by now. Tomorrow is my first quiz... I hope I do alright.
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