Petition the British Government to recognise *all* gender identities. UPDATE.

Jan 30, 2008 17:53

On January 15th I did a post mentioning how I'd created a petition on the No.10 website, -So that all the British genderqueers and their allies can lobby their government to legally recognise the fact that *not everybody* fits perfectly into the currently available gender categories of male and female.

I've just recieved an e-mail from the number 10 petition team It said that my petition has been approved by the Number 10 web team, and is now available on the Number 10 website at the following address:

I've created a petition on the No.10 website. So that all the British genderqueers and their allies can lobby their government to legally recognise the fact that *not everybody* fits perfectly into the currently available gender categories of male and female.

The form for submitting a petition is rather short (1000 characters max)
Naturally I would have like to have written more. However I was able to enter the following:-

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to amend the
Gender Recognition Act 2004 to enable people whose gender
identity is neither male or female to have the opportunity to
assign their legal gender as 'other' or 'intersex' if they so

The Gender Recognition Act 2004 was supposed to give everybody
the right to have their true gender legally recognised. Whilst
the act allowed for the legal recognition of transsexual men
and women, the legislation failed to give proper recognition
to, and therefore continues to misrepresent the minority of
people who do not neatly fit into the two currently available
categories of male and female. Provision should be made for
people who identify as 3rd gendered, pangendered, ambigendered,
omnigendered, genderqueer or androgynous, or who identify
specifically as intersex to be allowed to opt out of being
assigned as male or female if they so wish. Therefore, in
addition to an amendment to the act that would allow this, we
propose two additional gender categories -'intersex' and
'other', to be available as options for replacement birth
certificates, passports, and other official documentation. Only
then will the legislation be fully representative of all
gender identities."

I apologise in advance if I've missed anybody out!

Hopefully the petition will provoke a response from the government that will initiate further dialogue between the government and the genderqueer community, eventually leading to a situation where *all* gender identities are fairly and accurately represented.


Kat X
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