Hi! My name is Molly and I’m a new member to the genderqueer livejournal community and a Psychology/Gender Studies undergraduate student in Florida. I would like to invite you to take a (brief)
survey I’m conducting for my thesis research on queer identity and politics. I understand this community is primarily about gender discussions, but I'd love to get responses from a wide variety of gender and sexual identities. So please, if you personally identify as queer, or if you are just have opinions about queer identity/politics, please consider taking my survey.
There are only 11 questions, and by providing your opinions on queer identity/politics, your voice will greatly contribute to a widely neglected area of study in psychology (as well as support my graduation, academic success, and happiness).
Also, I’ve received funding from my school to be able to compensate up to 80 people who complete the survey with $5 Starbucks “eGifts” (through
this Starbucks page). You're welcome to request an “eGift” at the end of the survey. If 80 people have already claimed the rewards, I’ll put a reward disclaimer at the beginning of the survey.
Here is another link to the survey, in case you missed the first one.
Thank you so much!