So remember
when I predicted that Ripper Street would "never go there" when it came to making Fred Best a closeted gay man?
Hah. Hah. Hah. In conclusion "Threads of Silk and Gold" hurt A LOT and left a bunch of loose ends and lack-of-backstory lying around, so I wrote some fic.
Such an Injuryfandom: Ripper Street
wordcount: ~2,000
characters: Fred Best, David Goodbody
warnings: mentions of canonical character death
summary: David pays Fred a visit after the events of "Threads of Silk and Gold".
Mandrakes and Muckrakersfandom: Ripper Street
wordcount: 3,940
characters: Harry Collins, Vincent Featherwell, Fred Best, David Goodbody, Otto Roberts, Luke Nuttal
pairings: Fred Best/Harry Collins, Vincent Featherwell/David Goodbody
warnings: prostitution, mentions of dub-con, mentions of canonical character death
summary: H-Division's biggest nuisance, as seen through the eyes of a telegraph boy.