Jun 22, 2004 23:31
ya im content right now. my night was totally rad. soooooo i had the ju-ian, the melsa, the william, and the loGan over. they discovered the thoroughly weirdness of my house ie. the vegetables that were growing and sprouting. hehe. we watched "Thirteen" which was real funny in some parts that werent suposed to be but also dramatic and intriguing. i guess in part of the movie there was something about oatmeal and chocolate chips so i really wanted it but i has no chotlate chips at here adn so i had to subsitute raspberries which werent quite up to par, by satified, almost, my craving. my window failed me and didnt allow for a jungle survivng escape rara. ill get it though.
i had a pelo chop today also but its not quite what i wanted thats why mel will sort it out wit hher wicked mad skills. tommorw will be cool too. yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee.