The following results are extracted from real experiences with women I've encountered while out dancing at Dyke Night and the like, using a random sample of attractive girls under each type of approach. The conclusion of this trial determined the most appropriate pick-up line/introduction for my particular unqiue situation.
Scenario 1: closeted regarding transgenderism.
Results: 0~5% Satisfaction, mostly alone.
Scenario 2: eventually coming out as transgendered.
Results: 20~30% Satisfaction, a few friends.
Scenario 3: Using a cleverly chosen pick-up line.
Results: >100% Satisfaction, numerous phone numbers, and 50% active pursuit by romantically-interested females after first meeting.
My cleverly chosen pick-up line accomplishes everything I've been trying to say (and not say) to a pretty girl, typically results in their immediate interest in knowing more about me by asking many intellectually-stimulating questions, elliminates the anxiety to come out, and is simply perfect for my situation. It is the same statement that may cause closeminded heterosexual men to go insane with disgust, mtf transgendered individuals to fear for their life, or inducing a questioning of the core of one's sexuality, but amazingly has worked 100% of the time for me, thus far. If six little words with as many syllables, spoken in a normal fashion, can have a 100% effectiveness, then I have renewed hopes for potential future romance with attractive lesbian and bisexual women.
I start off by inquiring their sexual orientation (ideally bisexual, but this worked with an attractive lesbian woman this weekend as well), once they respond and ask for my own, I say "Well, it's a little complicated, you see..."
"I used to be a guy."
Typically, at this moment their jaw hits the ground and almost always an onslaught of interesting and intelligent questions follows.
Say it with Pride.