Craftsmen and Exiles 2010.3.25: Ding Redux and Mental Trauma

Mar 25, 2010 18:18


Last night, my cute widdle belf Death Knight at long last hit the Final Ding, freeing up her income significantly. Of course, true to form, the last thing she did before hitting 80 was scream "I *AM* PALE, YOU DOLT" at Koltira Deathweaver when he asked if she was okay.

It could have been worse. She could've fallen to her death from Orgrim's Hammer not long before cracking 80 like Kurz, which pretty much sums up *his* career leveling from start to finish. XD

You'll pardon if she sounded bitchy. She and Jondalar just....endured some trauma. Yes, they both started the Mattias Lehrner chain. Forcing a DK who still has nightmares about what she did to New Avalon to relive how Arthas betrayed and murdered his men? Not a good thing.

And Jon ain't much better. The only thing holding him up right now is Sunsong buttheadedness and misplaced machismo, which Eish may swat him out of. Cute widdle DKs, d'awwww. I rather suspect both death knights will be heavily leaning on each other mentally and emotionally during this chain, as it's rending open more than a few old wounds.

Earlier that evening, I lost my PvP virginity playing her in Wintergrasp, which Horde won handily due to having outstripped the Alliance in war-machine making and taking out all three towers. For some reason, Horde in general has their crap together far better than Alliance in such cases.

*puffs cigarette* Yeah, it was good for me too. *snicker* I didn't frankly do much... mostly dropped Death and Decays on top of Alliance war machines and tried not to get ganked. THAT happened later on when I tried to do an elemental quest and some butthurt draenei warrior jumped both Eish and Jon. can laugh now about how level 79 and 80 DKs got their asses kicked by a 78 Ally. I'm sticking to the the fullscale soccer riots, thank you, fuck the individual gankage. (We shall ignore that it is not IC for Eish to run around randomly ganking people for being Alliance, this being OOC. And hell, even *I* have to treat it like a sporting event to deal with PvP.) It was a hell of a lot of fun during the battle, though.


She's getting every closer to the Portal, having cracked 56 the day before yesterday and now having the capacity to do boomkin berserk and get an extra layer of smite on every so often. She has opted to go down to Silithus to get the final surge to 58+, first of all because I've never really played through there with any of my characters Horde or Alliance, and secondly of all because Silithus does not make Aschai physically ill as the Plaguelands do. Evil demonic buggywuggies are far better than fighting puking your guts out every step of the way... and that was only the *Western* Plaguelands.
(Aschai went to Uther's Tomb during the Harvest Festival with Lorienne guarding her to make an offering at the tomb, and even that short jaunt physically sickened the druid. This is the drawback of having an especially close attunement to nature.)

With luck, she can power through these last few levels and become Portalworthy, with maybe a buffer level or two before going through... because only at 60 is she going to attain her much desired flight form...


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