God. So. My day, beginning with when I got home last night.
I never ended up doing my Writing assignment, so I attempted to get it done. Almost as soon as I was done eating,
dutchesschaotic and
frogmajick pounced me and demanded I watch 200 with them. Not that I objected at all. In fact, I retrashed my room in order to find the disk it was on.
It was great. Of course it was great. It would have been better if I were there for the first time
dutchesschaotic watched it - *glare* - but it was as perfect as always.
Then I believe
frogmajick had to go away to deal with kidlet issues, so I attempted to write while I watched Memento Mori. Val. C'mon. It's a gimme. (*Needs more Stargate icons*)
She ended up coming back and we watched it AGAIN. We talked a little more while I tried to write, but I had a headache and ended up falling asleep on her for about an hour. I had about 200 words written.
I set my alarm for about 6:30 and woke up at 7. When I went to go check how many copies (1 for each student in the class) I needed, I noticed that the assignment wasn't generalized talking to an audience. It was specific to a class or group of professionals. So, scrap the 200 words I already had. I needed at least 500 new ones.
I scrambled, I wrote, and I don't know how, but an hour later later, I had 830-something words and I actually had to trim about 90 words from my story. God I love adrenaline-fueled writing binges. Of course, now I'm paying for it and am horribly exhausted. I need more sleep. Maybe nap when I get home?
After I talk to
bugly42's parents.