(no subject)

Nov 27, 2013 22:19

This week I had the realization that the tablet I've pretty much never used (because I was given it as a present right before my old desktop died, and the netbook I was using as my main computer after that was not really up to running fancy drawing anything) will totally work with my new laptop, which is large and has memory and generally is capable of doing things. Today, I managed to remember that downloading updated drivers is a thing that exists and that would probably make my computer and my tablet successfully talk to each other. (Spoiler: it did!)

Time for adventures in how the pictures in my head and the pictures I draw never match up properly! :D

(I know this is true for everyone ever and that practice is the only way to get better. I'm excited! But don't expect to see any art any time soon. What I've done so far: use my stylus to write things like "pencil" in Sketchpad and draw smiley faces, to see how the stylus even works. The smiley faces are mostly lopsided. Still: :DDD)

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me: secretly five years old, real life

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