Oct 26, 2011 15:22

As usual, I've been meaning to make a post for what feels like an age and a half. And, as usual, I haven't done so, which means at this point I have about twenty million Things I Ought To Post About, and I'll only manage a few of them here. Time for a list!

1) FALL. Fall is my very favorite season, and it has finally hit New England for real. I'm overcome with my usual seasonal giddiness; I come home and dash straight out to stay on the porch until the sun goes down, and I plot to myself about when I can make it out to the woods. The downside of living in a city, even a city I love, is that that does take plotting.

I was hoping to get some good nature time this weekend, but alas, it was restricted to viewing a lot of pretty foliage out the car window. (I went to a dance in Vermont. It was tremendous fun! But my plan of leaving extra-early so as to squeeze in some time to sit under a tree and read was defeated by sleep.) Maybe I'll manage some this coming weekend instead! Maybe not. We'll see what the weather and my gumption levels are like.

In any case, I have apple cider and gingerbread and a front porch, so life is pretty good.

2) I've finally gotten around to getting a Twitter! I keep sort of eying the page and wanting to poke it warily, like my father does when presented with new technology. (Then he starts button-mashing, which is why my father is only allowed to investigates laptops and iPhones and such under supervision.) We'll see if I manage to use it with any regularity. I've never wanted to be constantly connected to the social networking world. On the other hand, I am very fond of texting friends, and this is texting writ large, so who knows.

In any case, I'm ep_birdsall there. I don't expect to be tweeting about much of anything fandom-related; if I do use the thing, it'll be for RL stuff and probably occasionally writing stuff. So, uh, consider what's relevant to your interests, and do follow if you like!

3) So, you remember that lesbian steampunk anthology I'm in? Well, Steam-Powered II is finally available for ordering! The ebook is available now, or you can pre-order the paperback.

Having read all the other stories, I can tell you that it's full of awesome.

If you need any more convincing, you can see a roundtable interview post at Tor.com, or read the full individual interviews up at Silver Goggles. (Mine is here.)

4) Other than all this, life continues apace! And it's treating me pretty well at the moment, I have to say, even if it's also keeping me very busy. There are worse things.

This entry is also posted at http://genarti.dreamwidth.org/6709.html. You can comment on LJ or DW, whichever you like.
comments at DW.

writing, publication!, outdoors: nature is awesome, outdoors, boston, real life, books: steam-powered, i has a twitter

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