Jun 01, 2011 20:33

We have moved apartments!

It took several hours of stressful waiting (until the ogres were finally gone at a bit after 11 am, after a lot of polite chivvying plus carrying help from the landlord while we all prayed that they would just MOVE OUT and stop being a headache for us all), and then five hours of hauling things up and down stairs. Luckily, we'd gotten movers to move the heavy stuff! I will never move again without movers, oh my god. Still, they were only here two hours; we were at work before and during and after, and we are all exhausted. SO EXHAUSTED. We are basically all flopping on things, muttering to ourselves, and occasionally mustering the gumption to do something like put sheets on the bed.

But guys, our new place is so big! It's awesome! Pictures will follow once the place is in some kind of organization other than piles of junk everywhere. But trust me, it's HUGE AND AWESOME, and we are delighted, and if you come to visit and see this place, we will even have a proper guest room (with a half bath!) to put you in! I mean, we will once it's not filled with books and boxes and bags and heaven knows what else, and has actual furniture instead.

And now I am going to stop pirating the neighbors' weak internet, and go back to reading YA (The Mermaid's Madness, aka Fairy Tale Princesses Kick Ass, The Sequel) before I fall over. Oof.

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boston, real life, moving, books: jim hines, the ogres upstairs

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