Merry Christmas or happy Saturday, as applicable! (Or happy Sunday, to some.)

Dec 25, 2010 17:21

Reason #679 why I love my family, from dinner a couple of nights ago:

DAD: My church is having the Christmas Eve service at 5:30, and then a hymn sing, and then there's Mom's church's service...
BROTHER B: That's sexist. :O
ME: I know. The proper term is a zie-sing.
DAD: What?
BROTHER B: Don't worry about it. [Gen] was the only one who caught and appreciated my joke.
MOM (cheerfully): I caught it. I ignored it.
BROTHER A: No, hold on, that's the nominative case.
BROTHER B: You're right. It should be hir-sing.
ME: Or zir-sing, depending.
BROTHER B: Right, of course.
DAD: ...What?

Both services were lovely, by the way, and the Unitarian one featured a pageant involving a Scottish shepherd (whose accent made up for whatever it lacked in authenticity with great and R-rolling enthusiasm) and some completely scene-stealing sheep played by septagenarians in black and white sweaters with sheepskins draped over their shoulders. AWESOME. And then I sang a lot of carols, and then we had dinner and presents. Today is a lazy day, and it's marvelous.

In other news: YULETIDE! You guys, I highly recommend having someone default on you at the eleventh hour. Especially, it seems, if you've left rambly open-ended prompts about art and Disney movies. I got a glorious plenitude of fics, and I love every single one of them to bits. Happy Yuletide to me, my gracious! And it seems I have a couple of Yuletide Madness fics yet to be unveiled, so expect another gleeful post in a couple of days.

The Little Mermaid

Part Of Your World: An inexorable and plausible AU, in which Ariel gets a clever idea and takes some initiative, and Eric reacts like a sensible person instead of a Disney romantic hero.

Bright Things: A delightful epilogue in which Ariel is not at all human, down in her bones, and is a princess to her soul, and her husband loves her for what she is.

Mysterious Fathoms Below: Moments from Ariel's life, interspersed with fabulous excerpts from Dr Charles Milo Thatch's Royal Scientific Lecture on the submarine kingdom of Atlantica.

Fish Out Of Water: A delicate and poetical mix of Disney magic, caring, and the very real culture shock of moving from ocean to land for love, with a neat twist of an ending.

Triton's Cove: Another great epilogue, in which Eric knows how little he understands his wife, and does what he can to meet her halfway.

Ursula Vernon's works

Pears In Peril, Pears In Peace: Watership Down with bighorn pears and an ominous fruitivore. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.

The Grace of the Golem-Keeper: Utterly different and equally fabulous, this is a Gearworld fic about the meeting of organic and steam-and-gear life, numinous and strange. All you need to know about the canon is provided in links in the author's note.

documents gathered during the canonization inquiry for Saint Azul: A fictional history, in primary sources and in religious text, of the patron saint of gardeners. Yet a third kind of awesome!

You guys, I am beaming all over my face like a doofus right now. I don't even care that my brothers are going to be watching basketball in this room (the one with the comfy couch and fireplace) all day long. I HAVE YULETIDE AND PRESENTS AND NO WORK TODAY and free-range bacon from the neighbors' farm on my sandwich. LIFE IS AWESOME.

movies, movie: the little mermaid, general geekery, christmas!, family, art: ursula vernon, vermont, real life, food, holidays, recs, yuletide

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