
Sep 15, 2010 11:02


The fic is my favorite and so are the cookies! ALL OF IT. I CAN'T DECIDE.

This is the main point of this post; the rest is just so I have some other content to justify posting.

2) The semester is starting up again! This means work is busy. This is actually news that's a couple of weeks old, and most of you have already heard me whine good-naturedly about it, but whatever. The upside is that I have student minions again!

It also means that I am taking Japanese again; it continues to be awesome. Sensei is hilarious. She has kind of a reputation for being stern, and that's the impression I'd gotten of her previously when we'd met, but in class she's totally hilarious. She mimes swimming across the floor (and sinking), talks about her love for George Clooney and Toy Story 3, and is one of those teachers who's very expressive in gestures and oh you want to fix the grammar of what you just said faces, and has this toes-in way of standing that may well just be how her joints work but reads to me as super-feminine posture. From a lady who's always put-together in a way that backs up that strict impression. In short: I am entirely entertained, and she's also a really good teacher.

3) Dragon*Con happened! Dragon*Con was awesome! If you were there and you saw somebody running around in a purple wig and floor-length red dress and silly epaulets, it was probably me. (I spent two of my three costuming days as Anthy Himemiya in the rose bride dress. On the third, I was an unremarkable TOS!Spock.) Becca was my marvelous Utena, and we're totally going to reprise those costumes again sometime. Next time, I will make sure nobody has to baste up the back of my dress.

4) I will be gone most of this weekend with dance stuff! Which is to say, at the New Hampshire Highland Games, where our demonstration team is dancing. I will be wearing assorted mildly silly outfits, making faces at concrete floors, and running around the rest of the time eating overpriced food and chilling with friends. If I'm lucky, I'll make it over to stare at sheepdogs for a while. Seeing the Red Hot Chilli Pipers in concert is non-optional.

Dance stuff in general is busy. This is our busy season for demo team -- the Highland Games, our November concert, and we've got a couple of small gigs too -- and there are the usual classes, and also I'm going for my teaching certification. (Part 1 of 2.) Because this is a fairly involved process for Scottish country dancing, this means extra certification-specific classes, and teaching practice, and assorted tests! The first of which is a written test in early October, tra-la. If you're lucky enough to be one of the people I catch on IM to go "I HATE DESCRIBING FIGURES BAR-BY-BAR, AND ALSO WHY DO I HAVE TO KNOW THE MISSION STATEMENTS OF THE RSCDS" uh, I'm sorry in advance? *laughing* You can just nod and smile and pat my head.

Meanwhile, I volunteered for teaching practice with Monday's class next week, shared with a couple other candidates. (The regular teacher for the week is one of our candidate class teachers, so when she got a surprise schedule conflict, she offered us the opportunity.) So WE'LL SEE HOW THAT GOES. I'm not actually all that worried! I think it'll go fine, and I know I need practice at the actual teaching part but public speaking at least isn't one of my worries. I may flail with last-minute stage fright before or hindsight self-assessment after, though.

5) LEXIE REMAINS THE AWESOMEST. I am eating a cookie at my desk as I type this. >.> (And my lactose-intolerant bosslady's day was made, too! I am good at sharing.)

6) I was going to put a question to the masses, but I realized that that'd probably work better as a separate post. So I will do so! Short version is, I need to get a new phone, and am staring in despairing indecision at the mass of options out there.

question for the masses, real life, work, general geekery, gatherings, gatherings: dragoncon

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