Yuletide letter

Nov 14, 2009 17:58

Dear Yuletide writer,

First of all: I love you for writing me any story in any of these fandoms. Seriously. All these fandoms I picked not because I want to receive a specific story in them, but because I would be happy to receive just about any story in them. If you're the sort who doesn't like too many details, feel free to stop reading here! Go off, write freely, and have fun! Ignore my details and prompts entirely, if you'd like. Write the story you want to write, and I'll be delighted to read it.

But if you're the sort who feels more secure with more details about what your recipient likes, I will attempt to ramble about that here. :)

Things I like include, though are not limited to: characters kicking ass and being awesome at what they do. Characters in situations we don't usually see them in. Badass characters doing everyday stuff. Banter. Backstory. Future story. Missing scenes. Wacky AUs, if you feel inspired that way. Genfic! Platonic friendships. UST and ambiguity. Shippy fic where the emphasis is on the nonshippy aspects of life. (Slash, het, whatever -- it's all good, but it's rarely my favorite as a plot focus. Go for it anyway if that's what makes you happy to write, though!) Fluffy fic, cracky fic, dark fic, twisted fic -- I like at least a touch of bittersweetness in my angst, though. Things going unsaid. Things going unsaid that everybody's aware of anyway. (Some of my absolutely favorite scenes ever involve people conversing without saying a word, or while saying words completely unrelated to the underlying conversation.) Comfortable established relationships of any sort, romantic and family and friendship. Worldbuilding. Atmosphere. Fleshing out the world the characters live in -- physically or mythically or socially or some combination thereof. Plot is a delightful spice, but not necessary; a series of plotless rambly vignettes or character musing or slice-of-life banter will fill me with joy.

In no way do I expect you to fit all of this into one fic. (Though if you do, I will salute you with awe!) It's just a jumping off point.

Things I don't like: ignoring characters' existence, or character bashing. Child abuse, unless it's canonical. NC-17 sex or seriously graphic gory violence. Sexual relationships in which one character is underage, or there's a serious power differential that isn't sneakily undermined. Non-canonical incest.

The Middleman -- The Middleman, Wendy Watson, and Noser (and Ida) are probably my favorites, but I can't think of a single character I really dislike, and I'll love anything that keeps the wacky biff-zap-pow comic book feel of the show.

I love this whole show! I'm in it for the characters, really, and the self-aware geektastic world. This is one of those fandoms where if you capture the feel of the world, any fic at all would make me happy. Future adventures; missing episodes; backstory for anybody at all. Another AU world. Whatever strikes your fancy!

Diane Duane's The Middle Kingdoms Door series -- Segnbora and Eftgan are probably my favorites, but again, it's the world and the interplay of characters and myths I adore. I'll love a story without any mention of them, too, if it keeps the complex myth-soaked underhearing feel of this world.

One thing Diane Duane is excellent at is making worlds that feel dense and real, and characters who live in those worlds as well as with each other. (Another thing is making non-human characters who feel non-human to me, and I adore this too.) Anything with any of these characters, before canon or during canon or after canon, will make me happy. How about backstory for when Segnbora and Eftgan were young together? How about something from history? This is a world in which the historical and mythological characters have a real and relevant presence in the modern day, and anything more about any of them (or even OCs) would be awesome.

Garth Nix's The Abhorsen series -- What I'd really love here is some of what we DON'T see in the series. A past Abhorsen or Clayr, or someone living where the Abhorsen can't come often, or someone living near the boundary between the Old Kingdom and Ancelstierre -- the wider world, and the wider history. (But any story you feel like writing about the canon characters would be awesome too -- I'm not that picky!)

What I said in the request, pretty much! Again, whatever story you're inspired to write is one I'd love. (Sabriel and Lirael are my favorite characters, for the record.) But the wider world of people living in this set-up -- in the Old Kingdom, with its necromancers and Charter Magic and Free Magic and one Abhorsen holding down the dead, and in Ancelstierre the pseudo-England with the bewildering Old Kingdom waiting just across a guarded border -- is what interests me most. How do other people live here?

Shakespeare's The Tempest -- I picked characters, but really I mean any -- those are just the ones I'd particularly love to see. Give me Miranda as her own person with her own thoughts, or Ariel the delicate spirit, or Prospero in other times and other roles, or Caliban from his own perspective, or anything else you'd love to explore; give me this world's rough magic, outside that brief tempest we see, and I'll love you forever for it.

I'm not actually sure what to say that I didn't mention in the request. If you offered to write this, you're awesome! And you have your own ideas about this world, and I'm enormously curious to see them.

Thank you so much for writing! I'm looking forward to whatever I get in any of these fandoms, and I love you, o writer, for offering one of them.


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