Just call them Steve McQueen

May 22, 2009 11:08

This morning, at the charming hour of 6 a.m., my housemate wickedtrue rushed into my room. "Gen!" she said. "Where are the cats?!"

"Uh?" I mumbled, intelligently, from my comfortable nest of blankets.

"Your screen's popped out! The cats are gone!"

And then I was abruptly very awake.

Yes, everything's fine. We found the cats -- Portia right away, because she stuck close to the house like the sheltered little purebred she is, and came running towards the door as soon as she saw us. We're not sure she's ever been outside in her life before, and I expect the wider world was a pretty intimidating place. Eva Luna, our grumpy little ex-stray, led us a merry (and constantly meowing) chase through a couple of neighbor's backyards, then went to ground under a hedge before we managed to collar her.

Meanwhile Portia had peed somewhere she Ought Not To Have, and so we got to clean that up. At 6:30. It was a very exciting morning!

There is now a new rule that we do not open windows when a human being is not home. *facepalming* Until we get something worked out so the screens are more secure, anyhow.

On the other hand, a very cool guy who used to work in the building (and is now retired, but stops by every so often to visit) proved his coolness by not only knowing that this weekend was AnimeBoston, but telling us about his grandson who lives down on the Cape and was visiting for the weekend and the con, and would be trotting out to the bus every day in costume. "I'll have to ask who he's dressed as," he said thoughtfully. I hope he does, and remembers; I'm curious!

One of these years I'll get to AnimeBoston, really. Not this year, though. This year, I'm off tomorrow morning for a mini-road-trip to Montréal! There will be pancakes and schoolgirl French and dorkery; I am anticipating it immensely.

And now I have a salad. So the morning's not a total loss. But aiya. Dear cats: you're lucky I love your fuzzy little heads.

boston, eva luna, real life, travel, portia, pets

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