(no subject)

Jul 22, 2008 17:57

I have been busy! Unfortunately, this means I have lots that I idly ponder writing about, which adds up to enough to ensure I'll probably never get around to doing it for all of them because I can't decide what. (As opposed to usual, when I never get around to updating because... uh. Look over there! It's a diversion!)

Anyway. This means you get a scattershot list! And if you want me to ramble further on anything in comments, odds are good that you can persuade me to do so.

1) Pinewoods! An entire weekend of Scottish dancing in the woods. (It can be a weekend, a week, or both in succession; I just did the weekend so as not to take that much time off work, but I wish I'd been able to do the whole thing. It was marvelous.) The weather was gorgeous, the people were delightful (of course), and I got "It's not really your first time, is it? Really?" from about half of camp. This is what I get for having parents who are Pinewoods regulars, and for being a regular myself at most Boston events.

2) My parents came down a day early for Pinewoods to stay at my house. This was partly just a sensible measure to shorten the drive and allow them to avoid the rush-hour traffic from Boston to the Cape. But they also brought along the birthday presents they didn't haul to Iowa (last time I saw them, when we were all there for my brother's graduation), and Mom cooked me a belated birthday dinner. She brought all the supplies in little pre-measured amounts in Tupperware; it was hilarious. (Also tasty!) And a cat toy for Eva Luna. I love my parents lots.

And then I got to see them at Pinewoods too, which was nice. ("Do you wish we'd hovered more?" asked Mom with a grin, on Monday as she helped me lug my stuff to the car. "No," I told her, "you hovered just the right amount. Which is to say none." "That's what I thought," she said.)

3) I have finally given in and bought a Lush face-wash thing. And it's kind of awesome. Dratted Lush. I don't expect to keep buying much, anyhow -- I am cheap, and I do not go all experimental with beauty products -- but I may stick with this one. (I forget the name. Uh. It's pink, and rolled up with seaweed?) Also a bath bomb, but that one I was fully intending to buy when I went in.

4) rushin_doll spent the week in Boston, and the weekend staying at my house. There was also visiting with shati, and with sotto_voice (sadly, not overlapping.) There was much geekery, and hilarious shoujo and low-budget sci-fi, and a rather strange (and not terribly skillful, but very enthusiastic!) band consisting of five or so Italians playing three bagpipes and two drum sets. As you do. And Ana gave me Red Star because he is AWESOME.

5) I have seen the following: The Dark Knight (wow, intense, but really good), Dr. Horrible (meh), Avatar through the finale (not flawless, but <3 <3 <3 OH MY BELOVED SHOW), and um probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. And the aforementioned hilarious anime (Maria-sama ga miteru, which I pretty much mainlined -- oh man, it is fabulously shoujo) and sci-fi (Middleman -- an episode with trout zombies.)

Possibly there is other stuff I'm forgetting. OH WELL. I am hitting post anyway.

boston, real life, dance, movies, general geekery, gatherings, family

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