Superheroes of various sorts

Feb 08, 2007 00:57

1) GIP. In that this icon has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this post except in the vaguest of meta-linkage senses. But I don't know how many chances I'll get to actually use it in any situation where it is relevant, and I'm rather proud of it (and the second version), so I am uploading it anyway. Because anything obscure that gets me called a bad and wrong person can be nothing but fun!

2) See, the thing with me and watching downloaded episodes is, I have a desktop. Not a laptop. So the only real way to watch things is by sitting down at my desk in front of my computer.

And when I'm doing that, I'm usually doing a lot of other things online too.

So I acquire some, and then they moulder on my hard drive waiting for me to watch them and keep or delete them. Which is part of why, while half my friendslist is fanatically following Heroes, I have just watched 1x02.

But shati told me to post my running commentary notes on it anyway. And so.

Peter looks remarkably unbruised for someone who fell any distance at all.

Claire looks like a Barbie doll. (And her dad's a jerk. But we knew that.)

...Hiro really is the cutest thing ever. How is this possible? So cu-- HELLO, meta.

...Still cute.

I realize that saying Niki has problems is kind of like saying water is wet. Nonetheless: Niki has problems.

Unnaturally cute neighbor of Mohinder. *pats her on the head* Mohinder, you are also the best grief counselor ever.

mmmm, bitchy ditzy cheerleaders. Best trope ever.

That's a HECK of a broken neck for a football tackle. Moving on.

Micah's going to be the most traumatized kid ever by the time this is done.

Peter continues to be remarkably unwounded, plaintive soppy look and hospital gown aside.

His mother, however, I like. She is by far my favorite Petrelli. Deeply messed up in so many ways, but she doesn't annoy me. Unlike the others, so far.

Hiro's distressed face makes me sad. :(

...So does Hiro's grasp of forensic procedure and common sense.

Aw, it's Matt. Hi, Matt!

Fed: "I've got a theory."
Me, automatically: "It could be bunnies!"

Sylar has issues. So many issues. Excessive squeamishness, mind you, is not one of them.

Maximizing potential! Never a good plan in a work of fiction.

Cute neighbor, are you doomed? I kind of think the cute neighbor is doomed.

Mohinder, hon, stop staring at the data and get going.

Red-haired fed lady has scary eyes. (Blonde fed I cannot take seriously as tough. I keep trying. But the pug nose and the bobbed hair and the freckles and and and.)

Aww, brotherly bonding hug. With stick figures. Thing. I should care more than I do, I think.

Hiro remains cutest thing ever.

Mohinder's voiceovers, on the other hand, remain saved only by the fact that Mohinder has an awesome voice.

tv: heroes, general geekery, icons

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