Am I... - am i cute?of course - am i pretty? Sure are - am i crazy? In a good way - am i lovable? damn strait - am i funny? yes you are blonde - am i annoying? at times of extream blondness - am i psycho?jizz? - am i daring? At times - am i a good person? your good around me
Just A Few Questions... - what do you love about me? Whats not to love? - what do you hate about me? I havent Jizzed in your hair, but alot of people have that quality - what is my best quality? Jizz tastic! your extreamly cool - if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?um I cant think of anything at the moment so just ill just give you a IOU - what is your honest opinion about me?Over all good person - what would you do if i sang out of tune?Laugh then say Jizz - what song reminds you of me?Big Pimp'in - do i remind you of any characters on tv?no - have you ever had a dream about me?sure - do you think i'm a virgin? Well i still yet have to Jizz in your hair - if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? Well I thought you were sams age the firsat time we met - am i huggable?yepp - if you could give me anything, what would it be? Jizz - if you could promise me anything, what would it be? Jizz or Freindship pick one Personal... - am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous etc.?Well I am more into boys then girls but for a girl our Gorgeous - if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?JizzTastic - when we first talked, what were your thoughts? Man were the hell am I... Oh yea sams, cool chicks no more sausedge fest for me - if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? Shes a girl and she dosent mind my black talk or talk of jizz - what are my faults?Jizz - what are my strengths?Jizz - do you wish we were closer?Sure - why aren't we closer? not sure, mabey Jizz has to do with it?
Am I...
- am i cute?of course
- am i pretty? Sure are
- am i crazy? In a good way
- am i lovable? damn strait
- am i funny? yes you are blonde
- am i annoying? at times of extream blondness
- am i psycho?jizz?
- am i daring? At times
- am i a good person? your good around me
Just A Few Questions...
- what do you love about me? Whats not to love?
- what do you hate about me? I havent Jizzed in your hair, but alot of people have that quality
- what is my best quality? Jizz tastic! your extreamly cool
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?um I cant think of anything at the moment so just ill just give you a IOU
- what is your honest opinion about me?Over all good person
- what would you do if i sang out of tune?Laugh then say Jizz
- what song reminds you of me?Big Pimp'in
- do i remind you of any characters on tv?no
- have you ever had a dream about me?sure
- do you think i'm a virgin? Well i still yet have to Jizz in your hair
- if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? Well I thought you were sams age the firsat time we met
- am i huggable?yepp
- if you could give me anything, what would it be? Jizz
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? Jizz or Freindship pick one
- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous etc.?Well I am more into boys then girls but for a girl our Gorgeous
- if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?JizzTastic
- when we first talked, what were your thoughts? Man were the hell am I... Oh yea sams, cool chicks no more sausedge fest for me
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? Shes a girl and she dosent mind my black talk or talk of jizz
- what are my faults?Jizz
- what are my strengths?Jizz
- do you wish we were closer?Sure
- why aren't we closer? not sure, mabey Jizz has to do with it?
Do mine too
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