FIC: Till the End, PG-13, AtS, 1/1

Jul 10, 2007 21:05

Title: Till the End
Author: Brendan/brencon
Spoilers: Post NFA…like, immediately afterwards.
Summary: But a brightness of fire reminded of his own personal goal…
Word Count: 1,899
Disclaimer: Just an avid Jossverse fan with some free time.
Author’s Notes: So, I just had to get this out of me before working on a BtVS fic. And believe me; this has been rocking around in my head since Not Fade Away aired. Thanks to Nikita for the beta.
Characters: Gunn, Illyria, Spike and Angel and a vast demon army.


Angel felt the sword pierce his lower back twice before he could swing his own weapon around and decapitate the demon who had stabbed him. He growled in pain before being distracted by a loud swishing noise from above. )

one-shot, author: brencon, illyria, spike, post-nfa, angel, gunn

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