Alternate Endings, PG, Ensemble

May 28, 2007 13:22

Alternate Endings
Summary: What we saw was we needed to see. Human brains crave happy endings. This is how things really went down.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I’m borrowing.
Notes: Another old set of drabbles finding their way on over.

Undecided - Storyteller

Andrew stared at the dormant camera. Outside, he could hear the murmur of the Potentials and the distinct ding of cookware. They were probably messing up his kitchen. Then he’d have to clean it and . . .

He reached over and turned his camera back on. “No one is born evil. We just slip sometimes. I don’t know if I believe in all this karma stuff, but . . . I don’t know whose side to be on. Is that such a bad thing?”

“No.” Warren sat on the edge of the bathtub, “It’s not bad at all, Andy.”

Vengeance - Lies My Parents Told Me

“Shut up! You didn't know her.” He lashed out at the vampire.

“I know slayers,” Spike pushed him off, “No matter how many people they've got around them, they fight alone. Life of the chosen one. The rest of us be damned. Your mother was no different.”

“No, she loved me.” He mustered up the last bit of his strength, and pulled a wooden crucifix from the wall. There is no stronger emotion than love. Not even a vampire can match it. Robin watched as Spike dissolved into ashes. The cross clattered the floor and the Slayer’s son walked away.

Fulfilled - Chosen

The walls were crumbling. The sunlight was beginning to stream in. He could feel his skin start to burn, his entire body tingling. It was impossible not to be frightened, but he felt calm about it all. He got to see the end.

Suddenly, the amulet stopped. The warmth of its power ceased, and the light went out. He didn’t have time to register anything before The First (as Buffy) stepped forward, smirking. “Looks like that Shanshu came early, huh? Too bad you won’t be able to enjoy your new life.”

The Turok-Han were upon him in three seconds flat.

Released - Conviction

“No, sooner or later they'll tip their hand, and we'll find out why they really brought us here. We do the work our way, one thing at a time.” He ripped open the enveloped he’d retrieved from his desk, “We deal with whatever comes next.”

As if on cue, the object that had fallen out burst into a swirl of black smoke. Quickly, it materialized into Spike - two Spikes.

“What - ” Angel stepped forward, but one of them dropped to the floor.

The remaining one smirked at Angel. “Fancy killing yourself again, Liam?”

The First flexed its now-solid hand, smiling.

War - The Girl in Question

“That stupid prick! What’re we supposed to do now?”

“Go to war.”

Gunn passed by them, stern look on his face. “Guy’s waiting for you in his office. He better have the head.”

Spike and Angel exchanged glances and raced for the office door. Prepared for a satisfying fist fight with the slimy Italian, they were quite shocked to find a casually-dressed Giles perched on the desk.

“You two have caused quite a stir. Have you not heard of being discreet? Buffy’ll be here within the hour.” He placed a package on the desk. “The head, courtesy of The Immortal.”

Faded - Not Fade Away

The Wolfram & Hart building stood still, three bodies trapped underneath the rubble. The dust of the fourth could not be distinguished from the plaster.

Lindsey managed to shoot Lorne twice in the head before he choked on his own blood.

Gunn collapsed from his wounds five feet from the alley. He fell on his ax.

Wesley tried to warn her, but Illyria couldn’t understand him. Sebassis snapped her neck before she had time to turn around. It was the second time Fred had died.

Spike stood in the alley, alone. He could hear Them coming. This was The End.

author: shinodabear, first evil, spike, andrew, alternative universe, ensemble, angel, drabble, btvs: s7, robin wood, darkfic, ats: s5

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