The Summer After. 3/6.

Apr 04, 2007 12:48

Title: The Summer After.
Author: elisi.
Summary: A few weeks post-NFA Giles meets some old acquaintances. But where do their loyalties lie these days? And what exactly do they want with Giles?
Rating: PG.
Feedback: Please? *looks hopeful*

Previous chapters here.

Chapter 3 )

elisi: the summer after

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Comments 10

a2zmom April 4 2007, 12:04:51 UTC
Can't wait to see what they want Giles for.


elisi April 4 2007, 12:09:58 UTC
I hope you'll like it! :)


hesadevil April 4 2007, 12:06:14 UTC
Great fight scene. I love the way you've taken the understanding we'd seen develop between Spike and Angel in AtS 5 to a new level.

Giles is a 'surprise' for Illyria? Something to do with her loss of Wesley?

One typo - an superior fighter - should be a superior fighter.


elisi April 4 2007, 12:15:30 UTC
Great fight scene.
Thank you! I'm not very good at them, so I try to keep them to a minimum...

I love the way you've taken the understanding we'd seen develop between Spike and Angel in AtS 5 to a new level.
Post-NFA Spike & Angel are my favourite characters to write and develop! I'm so glad others love them too! :)

Giles is a 'surprise' for Illyria? Something to do with her loss of Wesley?
My lips are sealed.

One typo
Thank you! And I even read it through before posting it, fixing stuff. (This was written before I had a beta - i.e. the Dark Ages!)


gillo April 4 2007, 12:22:00 UTC
Love the fighting and Giles' POV, especially his response to Illyria. Looking forward to more of this!


elisi April 4 2007, 12:24:21 UTC
Love the fighting and Giles' POV, especially his response to Illyria.
Oddly enough I think this is the only Giles-centric fic I've ever written. He provides an interesting viewpoint.

Looking forward to more of this!
Thank you! :)


boy_named_susie April 4 2007, 13:18:41 UTC
"The creature cocked its head birdlike, studying the vampire." I like that line of description, very fitting for Illyria.

Another interesting chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next.


elisi April 4 2007, 13:27:19 UTC
I like that line of description, very fitting for Illyria.
Thank you. I love writing Illyria.

Can't wait to see what happens next.
Good to know! :)


blueanddollsome April 4 2007, 18:36:44 UTC
Okay, that was so not long enough. Good with the action and plot-points.


elisi April 4 2007, 20:13:27 UTC
Okay, that was so not long enough.
Hee! (I love doing that!)

Good with the action and plot-points.
Thank you! :)


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