Ficlet: Forgiveness: Faith, Buffy

Mar 30, 2007 16:53

Summary: A conversation between Faith and Buffy on the bus. Post-Chosen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 293
Disclaimer: Although I would love to have these wonderful characters, they belong to someone who is clearly not me.
Notes: Another slighty-old ficlet finding its way over here.

“I think,” she sat slumped against the shiny plastic seat, one leg perched over the seat in front of her, “that it’s about forgiveness.”

Buffy made a half-interested snort, prompting the other Slayer (one of many others now. She’d have to get used to that) to continue.

“This hero business. You know, all those baddies-turned-good? I think it’s all about forgiveness. It doesn’t matter if you save the world. Doesn’t matter if you get a soul through a curse or some test. It all comes down to whoever those Big Wigs are up there. They decide who gets forgiven and who doesn’t.”

Buffy was silent for a while, allowing Faith’s hearing to pick up a quiet conversation between Xander and Willow. She shouldn’t be listening. It was too personal, but there was nothing else to do on the small yellow cell. Everyone was so quiet after the battle. They were in shock. But they were alive. Couldn’t they see that? They were alive. Everything was okay.

“Spike has to have been.”

Faith turned her attention back to her counterpart. She frowned, wondering when her speech became about Spike. Probably since Sunnydale went boom. She eyed Buffy, in the seat across from her, and silently envied her. That Slayer already had forgiveness. When would she get the chance?

“I’m sure he’s chillin’ up there laughing his ass off at us. He gets the good life, and we get crammed in a bus for a cross-country trip."

“It’s only to Cleveland.” Buffy fiddled with her shirt. Imaginary fuzz, Faith would imagine. “It won’t be too bad.”

“We shoulda gone to LA.”

Buffy’s lips settled into a hard line across her face. “Forgiving is also forgetting.”

Faith opened her window. Had the Powers forgotten her yet?

post-chosen, author: shinodabear, faith, buffy, ficlet

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