Fic: "High," AtS Ensemble, WIP

Mar 04, 2007 04:45

Title: High
Author: girlpire
Rating: PG to PG13
Characters: AtS Ensemble
Disclaimer: This story is based on the "Angel" series, with which I am not affiliated in any way. Joss Whedon is my master, etc.
Distribution: Please no. kthnxbye. :)
Summary: Post-NFA. What's left of Team Angel is fighting the good fight in Chicago, and a vision leads Spike and Angel down into the sewers to rescue a young English man called Jacob.
Warnings: Mild drug use, some disturbing imagery (if you don't like spiders).
Author's Notes: This story is a prequel to [ Like Drowning], a story I wrote last summer. Since this comes chronologically before that one, you don't need to have read it to understand this one. It's based on these prompts from frimfram: Spike saving Angel, a ghost train, and a reference to St. Petersburg.

*The story has been broken into five parts.
[ One.]
[ Two.]
[ Three.]
[ Four.]
Part five is due to be posted very soon.

multi-chaptered, illyria, spike, action/adventure, post-nfa, ensemble, angel, gunn, humor, cordelia, author: girlpire, original character

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