DeadWar: Shadow Sun

Feb 13, 2007 06:56

This fic was originally a stand-alone. After it won Fic of the Month at Buffyworld, I decided to take up some unanswered questions and make a series from it, which is now in progress. The majority of DeadWar is slated to be gen, but there will be occasional appearances from one ship or another.

Title: DeadWar: Shadow Sun

Author: Mabus101

Standard Boilerplate Disclaimer: None of the characters in this work of fiction belong to me; they are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I am making nothing from this fic except perhaps a reputation.

Setting: Roughly two years post-"Chosen".

Rating: R for violence (Yes, I mean that. This is vicious stuff.)

Characters:Vamp!Buffy, basically, and a guest appearance by Anne (aka Chanterelle)--sort of.

Story here

author: mabus101, post-chosen, mabus101: deadwar, multi-chaptered, anne, buffy, darkfic

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