4 Drabbles - Numero Cinco, Puppet Angel, Phantom Dennis and Illyria

Feb 10, 2007 21:47

Titles: Hope, Misplaced, Walls and Years Later I Still Remember You
Character: Numero Cinco, Puppet Angel, Phantom Dennis and Illyria
A/N: Thanks for the help with these

Title: Hope
Character: Numero Cinco

“My company would like to offer you a job. A young man of your skills would be an asset.”

Numero Cinco knew of Wolfram and Hart. He no longer cared about the people they hurt, for they no longer cared about him or his brothers. Their victories had been forgotten over the years.

He took the job because he was no longer a hero, because being a hero wasn’t simply about being brave and risking ones life. It was about having hope, that one day you might conquer all of the evil. It was hopeless and naïve; it was heroic.

Title: Misplaced
Character: Puppet Angel

Puppet Angel woke up after his nap to find his nose missing - Spike!

He found him in the main lobby.

“You took my nose,” he screamed before sinking his teeth into Spike’s ankle.

Angel walked into his pent house snapping his phone shut. Spike was gonna pay.

“Angel,” Nina shouted from the lounge. “I found your nose under the couch.”

He pressed redial.

“Harmony, could you give ritual sacrifices a call and cancel that 3 o’clock cursing I had planned.” Besides turning Spike into a puppet would only have increased the number of things they already had in common.

Title: Walls
Character: Illyria
Timeline: Post NFA.

LA was a flame, a muddle of smoke and screams. Spike and Illyria stood on a rooftop. Only them left in the middle of an apocalypse.

“This can’t be bloody happening.”

“There are scores of occurrences that should not be,” Illyria pointed out. “There is no longer a balance. One force will become the dominant.”

Spike turned to leave.

“You will not abandon me. All walls are tumbling, Wesley was right. This must be what they wished not to see.” She tilted her head upwards letting the rain slice along her face.

“This kingdom is lost to us.”

“Rome, then.”

Title: Years Later I Still Remember You
Character: Phantom Dennis

Dennis always wonders what happened to Cordelia. They took all her things away. He’s not sure how long ago this happened, but long enough that many other people have lived here since. He doesn’t like them. He guesses the feeling is mutual because they call priests - that doesn’t work so they leave.

He hopes that Cordelia is alive, or if she’s dead not trapped somewhere too. He misses how she used to talk to him and tell him secrets. He wants to cry because he’s so lonely; he can’t but the people who have lived here do it for him.

author: aurey09, drabble, phantom dennis, numero cinco, illyria, puppet angel

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