The Sorrowful Tale of Miss Kitty Fantastico - Ch.9: Spike,Dawn,Clem

Feb 06, 2007 04:49

TITLE: The Sorrowful Tale of Miss Kitty Fantastico - Ch.9: by myfeetshowit
Characters: Spike,Dawn,Clem
Summary: Buffy is dead and Dawn’s fifteenth birthday is coming up. A penniless Spike wants to get her the greatest present ever. It proves to be harder than he expected. He encounters kittens, and Clem and nosehairs and learns some valuable lessons about ( Read more... )

myfeetshowit: sorrowful tale of miss kit

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Comments 7

hesadevil February 6 2007, 13:08:32 UTC
Wonderful chapter, ratcheting up the tension and reminding us for all his gentle nature, Clem is all demon. I've been re-watching early AtS and am reminded that when we first saw Lorne there was a hard edge to the way he handled Angel that was forgotten by the final series.


myfeetshowit February 7 2007, 03:14:47 UTC
Clem was meant to be a very minor character in the story originally. That's how I found out what he was really like. Absolutely refused to leave, and just practically stole his scenes!


hesadevil February 7 2007, 10:35:57 UTC
Whistler did that in the WIP but I packed him off to Cleveland.


scarlettlily February 6 2007, 16:15:32 UTC
Wonderful new chapter, it is getting really good now. Spike and Clem better go find that kitty and poor Mafdet who was just trying to pay homage to the kitty goddesses. Can't wait to see more.


myfeetshowit February 7 2007, 03:15:11 UTC
More Kitty goddesses coming right up!


boy_named_susie February 7 2007, 02:16:59 UTC
Oh no! Spike's been robbed and the kitty's missing. I hope they find the kitty soon and that she's okay. Great chapter.


myfeetshowit February 7 2007, 03:17:06 UTC
Thank you. I thought the two previous chapters had probably lulled everyone into a sense of security, and now was the time to shut the trap.


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