White Hat (Portal, Chapter 2)

Jul 11, 2010 08:40

Title: White Hat
Author: kanedax
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: R for language and violence
Characters: Various, primarily Giles
Spoilers: BtVS, Season 1, 2, and The Wish; Previous Chapters
Summary: Rupert takes charge
Notes: A brand new chapter!
One of the main reasons that I wanted to start over was because this is a chapter that I've wanted to write for a while: The rise of The Master, the formation of the White Hats, and their trials and tribulations leading up to Buffy's return to Sunnydale in The Wish. I hope it turns out as well as I think it will.
I don't own these characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and Dark Horse comics.

Chapter 1

She's not coming.  The uncountable prophecies were wrong.

kanedax: portal

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