Title: Buffy Meets God
Rating: PG?
Word Count: Just over 3,000
Warnings: Erm…existential thought?
Summary: A look at what heaven might have been like for Buffy. Possibly not what you’d expect. Set between ‘The Gift’ and ‘Bargaining.’
A/N: This started out as a humorous thing and then it landed somewhere between light humor and existential questions. Mostly it was just a plot bunny hopping around in my (obviously psychotic) brain.
Buffy Meets God)
Title: Thinking of Him
Rating: PG-13?
Word Count: Just over 500
Warnings: Canon character death.
Summary: Everyone’s thinking about him…
Thinking of Him)
Title: All That’s Left
Rating: PG?
Word Count: Just over 500
Warnings: Canon character death.
Summary: Buffy helps Xander unpack.
All That's Left)