BIG Trouble (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

Dec 03, 2009 22:55

Title: BIG Trouble (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde)
Summary: When a mad scientist gets his hands on Doyle and Angel and uses them as test subjects, who exactly will Cordelia be saving?
Rating: R
Characters: Angel, Angelus, Doyle, Evil!Demon!Doyle, and Cordelia
Words: 2,655

Originally written for:
Prompt 138 at still_grrr , some changes (655 words worth) have been made since that posting.

Doyle groaned, opening his eyes and looking around in confusion. He was in a cage in a basement he had never seen before. Struggling to recall how he had wound up there, he only drew a blank. Whatever was going on, it did not bode well for him. At least he knew that, before long, his friend the Caped-Cadaver would come crashing through the doors and…
A pained moan to his left drew his attention.

“Son of a…!” He whispered heatedly when he focused on the source.

There, across the room in a cage of his own, was his would-be savior.

“Psst…Angel…psssttt…Angel, man…wake up, ya big bastard.” He called as he pressed his face against the bars.
“Doyle…?” Angel asked groggily.

“Yeah, bud.” He answered before asking anxiously, “Where the hell are we?”

“I don’t…I’m not…” Angel tried, attempting to stand only to rebound off the ceiling of the cage. “Ow!” He cried, gripping the top of his head and looking over at Doyle through the bars that encased him. “It’s all jumbled. Weren’t we checking out your vision?”

Doyle thought about it. “I think…there was something happening to demons…yeah?”

“Apparently we found out what.” Angel grumbled. “Do you…feel…strange…at all?”

“No stranger than usual,” Doyle joked nervously. After taking a moment to test out his body, he frowned, coming to what should have been a wonderful realization. “Angel, man…I can’t go demon-face.”

Angel sighed. “I was afraid you were going to say that. I can’t change, either. Check yourself for any marks…I’ll have healed already.”

Doing as instructed, Doyle began checking his arms. “Whoa, hello…” He breathed. “Apparently, I’ve been used as a pin cushion. Hey - d’ya s’pose whoever’s doing this…ya know…cured me?” He asked hopefully.

“I doubt it,” Angel muttered, slightly hunched over but still pacing in his cage. “If that was the case, why would you have a vision of danger?” He posed, frowning sympathetically as Doyle’s shoulders slouched in disappointment.

“Can ya break the bars?” Doyle asked glumly.

“We can try.” Angel said, giving him a pointed look.

For the next five unproductive minutes, they gave it their best; kicking, prying, and pushing against the iron that encased them until they both slouched in defeat.

“Had to go and get yourself caught, yeah?” Doyle whined, his voice echoing out into the basement around them. “Who’s gonna do the saving if you’re here with me?”

Angel smirked over at him. “I think I got caught while trying to ‘do the saving’.”

“Oh,” Doyle breathed guiltily before pouting. “Well, as much as I appreciate the attempt, in this particular instance I gotta give ya a failing mark for your efforts, bud. We’re screwed. Nobody, including us, even knows where we are.”

“Uh-oh…” Angel whispered with wide eyes.

“What?" Doyle asked, but focusing on Angel's expression, he knew whatever had occurred to his friend was going to make things worse for them. "Oh, no - no ‘uh-oh’!” He insisted, scrambling closer to the bars. “We’re in enough trouble as it is without your ‘uh-oh’s!”

“I just realized…someone knows where to come looking…” Angel said, wincing as Doyle launched into a heavily accented tirade.

Cordelia spied from an alleyway across the street, waiting out the freaky doctor that the guys had been investigating. They had both failed to return to the office the night prior and, as much as she loathed admitting it, she was terrified for their safety.

She had been trailing the doctor since dawn, hoping he would lead her somewhere that screamed ‘evil lair of evilness’. Looking up at the dilapidated building he finally exited, she figured it fit the bill. She stayed still in case him leaving was a trap to lure her out, by some miracle managing to wait twenty minutes before racing across the street.

There was a padlock on the front door. She cursed at it furiously before checking for other entry-points. Finding a set of stairs in the alleyway which led to a basement entry, she smashed out the window and reached inside to unlock it. The second she slipped into the darkened interior, she gagged at the unmistakable scent of demon entrails.

“Oh I am so getting a raise for this.” She declared as she ventured into the blackness.

“I think I’m remembering something.” Doyle announced.

“What’s that?” Angel asked.

“Wasn’t he a mad scientist type? I can hear ya saying something about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Doyle offered.

“Yeah…I remember that …” Angel agreed. “Wasn’t he trying to create an alter-ego for himself?”

“Yeah! That's it!" Doyle exclaimed happily. "And I remember him going on about how you and I were…perfect…test…subjects…” He trailed off, his features twisting in panic as he realized the implications.

Silence settled over them as they stared at one another.

“You don’t think…?” Angel began anxiously.

“That he found a way to…?” Doyle breathed.

“Well isn’t this perfect!” Cordelia declared.

Both of them spun to face her as she entered the room.

“I leave you two alone for five minutes and you get yourselves locked up like lab-rats.” She teased, retrieving a key-ring from a hook on the wall.

“Princess, maybe ya ought not…” Doyle began.

“Cordelia, I don’t think that’s such a good…” Angel tried.

“What the hell?” She cried indignantly. “Where’s the ‘hey! Look! Cordy to the rescue! Thank you so much for saving us, you’re getting a week paid vacation!’ Try to muster a little gratitude for me saving your asses!” She reprimanded as she got to work opening Angel’s cage.

“Cordy, this guy did something…to us…I’m not sure it’s safe for you to…” Angel insisted but it did not deter her from pulling the cage door open.

“Whatever. All I know is that freak might be back any second and I’d like to be in the safety of our office, painting my nails and reading a magazine by then.” She said, turning to let Doyle out of his cage.

No sooner than she had taken three steps, Angel was crying out and gripping his head.

“Whoa, are you okay?” She asked as she spun back to face him, taking a step closer and eyeing him nervously. “I mean, you look like messenger-boy over here when he gets…” Before she finished, Doyle was crying out in a similar manner. Of the two, he looked like he was in a great deal more pain. She raced to his cage, unlocking it and climbing in beside him. “Doyle? Hey, Doyle…what is it? What’s wrong?” She asked softly as she steadied him.

“Leave…now…" Doyle ground out, in too much agony to even open his eyes.

He could feel his body beginning to change...but it was a thousand times worse than any time before. It was progressing far slower than usual; felt as if his demon half was trying to tear its way free of him. The pain was so intense that it was dimming his ability to think clearly...or was that due to something infinitely worse?

"Please, just go!" He begged. "Leave me, princess!"

"What?" Cordelia breathed as her brows drew together fearfully. She quickly recovered from her shock, putting on her most challenging scowl and refusing to accept this. “Are you mental? I’m not leaving you here! You're not dead yet, bub! Now get up! On your feet! Let's go!” She ordered, trying desperately to haul him up off the concrete."Come on, little Irish man - work with me here!" She groaned as her efforts to move him failed miserably. "God, how can you possibly weigh so much?" She complained, though her panic over his insistence that she leave him behind to get sliced-and-diced was still clear in her voice.

“Get out of here!” Angel called to her in a strained voice, recognizing in growing horror the pain he was experiencing. It did not seem possible but there was no denying the sensation. He was losing control; nothing he could do would prevent this from happening. “Damn it, Cordelia - RUN!" He screamed, panicking for her safety and gripping the side of the cage to hold himself upright. "Go! Get as far away from us as you can!”

With her arms still locked around Doyle's impossibly heavy middle, she paused in her attempt to drag him across the floor and looked over at Angel in disbelief.

“I am not just gonna leave you two here so that guy can…!” She insisted furiously, about to share with him just how many dismembered bodies she had passed on her way to their location...

She lost her voice, however, when Doyle reached out and gripped her arm painfully.

Her stomach dropped as it all clicked in her mind...the only reason Angel would ever tell her to get 'as far away' from him as she could...

But he hadn't said to get away from him...he had said to get away from THEM.

With wide, horrified eyes, she looked down to find a green, spiky version of her friend staring up at her with a wicked smile.

“Good idea, darling. Ya should stick around, wouldn’t want ya to miss the fun.” Demon-Doyle said with a wink as he climbed to his feet and brought his face closer to hers. Cruel intentions were swirling in his red eyes.

“Angel…?” She squeaked, turning back to face his cage and instantly jumping in fright.

He was now standing just inches away from her at the open cage door, vamp-faced and grinning.

Demon-Doyle brought his arms down around her quickly, pinning her in place against his chest.

“Close, but not quite.” Angelus said before leaning into the cage and leering down at her. “Hello again, Cordelia.” He said, tapping the end of her nose.
Hearing the change in his tone, she whimpered. “Angelus?”

“Ding, ding, ding!” Angelus called enthusiastically, backing out of the cage and spinning in celebration. “That's right - I’m back, baby!” He said with a gleeful clap and wide, fanged smile.

Cordelia scowled, deciding that Angelus' trademark perkiness was his most evil trait.

“Doyle - my demonic, barbed-faced little friend," Angelus began, dramatically holding a hand out toward Demon-Doyle. "Tell her what she’s won!”

“I’d say receiving firsthand, intimate knowledge of the Brachen anatomy oughta be her reward.” Demon-Doyle teased against her ear before looking up at Angelus and frowning apologetically. “Oh, but where are my manners? Were ya were wanting a taste first, bud?” He asked, offering up her wrist to his companion.

“WHAT?" Cordelia demanded shrilly, craning her neck to look back into his unfamiliar face. Her eyes pleadingly sought the Doyle she knew behind all of those spikes and the crazed look in his eyes. "No! Doyle! What the hell are you doing?!" She cried as she fought against his crushing grip.

“Aww, Doyle!” Angelus said, clutching his motionless heart and eyeing his friend with admiration. “That is so thoughtful. You’re too good to me,” he said with a fanged grin. “But I couldn’t, she’s all yours, I insist.” He assured graciously before snapping his fingers. “Wait! I got an idea, though…how about I change her first? That way she’s more…eager…for you.” He said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Definitely NOT!" Cordelia snapped. "There’ll be no biting, tasting OR changing Cordelia, damn it!” She cried, instinctively pressing against Demon-Doyle for protection (as if she was any safer with him). At that realization, she fought harder to wriggle free.

Demon-Doyle laughed and held her in place. “Thanks for the offer, bud - but I think I’d like it more if she stayed all indignant and rude-like. That’s my favorite part about her.” He said before winking up at Angelus and adding, “Least it is so far…”

“All right - wait just a damned minute - so that freaky ass doctor made you go all evil-poster-boy-Angelus…” She began, pointing up at him angrily. “And then what? Turned Doyle here into some kind of…mean-green prickly-faced demon?”

The two of them shared a long, hard laugh at that.

“What? What’s so damned funny?” She demanded.

“She’s so adorably clueless.” Angelus said with a smirk.

“You’ll find no argument here.” Demon-Doyle laughed before gazing down at her. “Darling, that doctor didn’t make me a demon; he just split this side of me into its own entity, so it won’t be watered down by all that humanity nonsense.” He informed her as he kissed her earlobe.

“I don’t get it.” She said with a confused frown, stretching her neck out to get her ear as far away from Demon-Doyle's wandering lips as possible.

“There’s a shocker.” Angelus teased, tousling her hair as Demon-Doyle dragged her out of the cage. “So what about you, Doyle? Can I change you?” He asked hopefully, hopping onto the cluttered table at the center of the room. “I’ve never had a non-vampire companion before.”

“I’m your first?” Demon-Doyle asked. “Aww! That’s so sweet.” He said, batting his eyelashes as he stopped in front of him.

Angelus cracked up before realization hit. “Wait a second…" He began, his smile fading as he looked over at Demon-Doyle. "You’re…a mortal!” He cried in disgust.

"'fraid so, bud." Demon-Doyle laughed.

“Oh, that sucks!" Angelus whined. "Well I can't have you dying on me! We need to fix this.”

“I s’pose we could try…” Demon-Doyle offered. “Not sure it’ll take with the demon blood.”

“So…Doyle is half demon?” Cordelia finally asked, bringing on another round of laughter.

“Oh, she’s a bright one.” Demon-Doyle teased.

“Well if I change you, we should definitely change her.” Angelus decided, ignoring Cordelia's interjection entirely. He was far more interested in finding a way to keep his companion around for the long haul. “Otherwise you’ll break her the first time you two…play.” He said with a wide grin. “By the way, can I watch?”

“Sure!” Demon-Doyle laughed, greatly amused by the question as well as the reaction it spurred in Cordelia.

“Eeww!” She cried, her eyes frantically searching the table for a knife or blunt object or…hello!

“Good point about her being all mortal and breakable-like, bud." Demon-Doyle commended. "Ya know, I’ve many things to do with her, can’t have her dying during the act. S'pose we ought try it on me first, though. How long would all this take?” He asked.

“I can drink you, give you my blood, stick you in the ground and you can be up and running by tonight. Worst case, we find out it won’t work and you’ll still be demon.” Angelus said happily.

“Sounds like a plan. Cordelia, love - I'm afraid you'll just have to wait until tonight for that anatomy lesson.” Demon-Doyle informed her and grinned at the heated glare those words earned from her in response. He loosened his grip on her slightly, leaning toward Angelus and offering up his neck.

In a heartbeat, Angelus had grabbed Demon-Doyle and was draining him as they both growled in a thoroughly disturbing manner.

Cordelia tried not to ponder how much the pair was enjoying this and, hoping for the best, jammed the needle she had found into Demon-Doyle’s arm.

He yelped and writhed in Angelus’ grasp.
Angelus misread his reaction as being caused by the bite and tightened his grip on his companion.
It only took another few seconds before Cordelia knew it worked. The drug traveled quickly through Demon-Doyle and into the vamp that was drinking him.

Doyle’s face shifted back to normal.
Angel opened his eyes, realized in horror what he was doing, and released Doyle.
He watched in wide-eyed shock as Doyle crumpled to the floor.

“Christ, man! Were ya just biting me?” Doyle demanded, clutching his bleeding neck.

“Worse…I think I was going to change you…oh God…” Angel cried, retching at the horrible aftertaste of demon blood.

The tapping of an impatient foot brought both of their guilty gazes to Cordelia.

She tossed the needle conveniently marked ‘antidote’ aside, glaring at them each in turn as they waved nervously. “Yes, you two are in big trouble. Now get your asses up and let’s go.”

Today is December 3, 2009.
It is the 7th anniversary of Glenn Quinn's passing (Doyle).

Please visit the following link for a memorial video which I have created
with composer David Scott to honor Glenn's memory:


one-shot, angelus, author: badgirl2bad4you, ats: s1, doyle, cordelia, angel

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