Two Ficlets (Dawn, Xander; Cordy, Harmony)

Nov 04, 2009 12:05

Title: Fanfic 101
Author: snowpuppies
Fandom: Ats (BtVS)
Character/Pairing: Cordelia, Harmony
Genre: Humor/Crack
Rating: PG
Disclaimer and Distribution Information
Summary: What else do Harmony and Cordy get up to that night in her apartment? No, not that. Get your head out of the gutter.
Word Count: 233

Title: Eggsactly!
Author: snowpuppies
Fandom: BtVS
Character/Pairing: Xander, Dawn
Genre: Comedy
Rating: G
Disclaimer and Distribution Information
Summary: Xander experiences some deja-vu when Dawn brings home her school project.
Word Count: 296

author: snowpuppies, xander, harmony, humor, dawn, cordelia

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