Black Magic White Lies, chapter 20

Oct 09, 2009 18:26

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 20 - The Finale
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Alternate BtVS season 5. Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a part of a big fat conspiracy.
Disclaimer: They all belong to Joss. He said I could play with'em, so there.
Author's notes: Much thanks to my wonderful betas lusciousxander and deird1 who encourage me, help me with character voices, fix my bad grammar and style. All mistakes are mine. This is my first plotty multi-character fic, so concrit is very welcome.

You can't save them, you worthless scab! Because all of them are trapped here because of - you!

moscow_watcher: black magic white lies

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