Title: I Can Drive 55
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 500
Characters: Buffy, Faith
Summary: Post-"Chosen". Buffy and Faith have a chat on the last bus out of Sunnydale. They changed the world. They can do anything, go anywhere... well, that's the theory, at least.
"Wouldn't want to wrap your new army around a telephone pole or something." Title: Dealing With It
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 400
Warning: Character (un)death
Summary: For
zombie_fest and
strina's prompt: Buffy, Xander, "How many freaking kinds of zombies ARE there?" Post-series.
"We're looking specifically for zombies that don't turn you into one of them if you... if you..." Title: Spartan
Author: Beer Good (
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 300
Characters/Pairing: Eve (the potential, not the Angel character)
Warning: Canon events.
Summary: Season 7. Eve came looking for a Slayer; she was 4 years and a few hours too late.
SLAYERS RULE. It looked a couple of years old, but it was in ink and clearly they didn't bother repainting the walls here very often.